Creative Tools got bought by a large company called NTI Group in march 2024…they’re definitely the ones pushing for this sudden licence enforcement
Since this licence has not been enforced for the past 7 years by Creative Tools (company that designed the orignal benchy), it’s probably safe to assume that it has something to do with NTI Group acquiring the company in march 2024…
I know, I still think it’s too loud to sit around for prolonged time. 5min? Sure not an issue at all, +30min? It’s a huge issue (for me). It’s like being in a room with a paper printer that’s printing nonstop, not an issue while you’re waiting for a few pieces of paper but you don’t want to sit next to it for hours. Or a laptop with its cooling fan running full tilt, it’s OK for a few minutes, but the droning monotonous sound is horrible to listen to for more than that.
Prusas are fairly quiet
Interesting, I still think they’re way too loud to be around. The cooling fan alone is too loud IMO, combined with the steppers whining away it’s definitely not something want to be around for more than I absolutely have to.
I have my printer in our “hobby room”, well ventilated and the printer is enclosed with a charcoal filter.
If you’re just printing PLA, a well ventilated room is probably enough to keep VOCs at a safe level.
I still wouldn’t use the printer in a room you’re staying in for several hours at a time while it’s printing, but I would say the noise of an FDM is definitely also enough to make you not want to be in the same room while it’s printing.
A lot less than in this application too. But I think that could actually be achievable, at least from some angles, in most printers. Biggest issue implementing it on a coreXY or coreXZ, as opposed to this one, is that you need 2 extra DOF on the extruder to utilise it properly and not just one.
Really cool, but this seems like it will be severely limited on printers that are not using a rotating bed and hinged only in one side. With that construction, speed and accuracy is definitely not going to be the best. Still, some amount of angling of the nozzle could provide some benefits to handling overhangs, even if its only 15-20 degrees.
Why does the US get to be in charge of this?
Yeah it also doesn’t mean the bench is dead or off the market, only that you have to use their model and cannot modify it.