I wonder if there’s any significant impact to battery life
I wonder if there’s any significant impact to battery life
More mindless procedural generation sold as “content”
It’s very far from a sure thing that that fat demented fuck will survive the next four years, based on his shitty state of health, the history of strokes, poor diet, coronary issues, etc.
Declining health and dementia is a rough combination and there’s only so much medical science can do for people like that who have no interest in changing their lifestyle.
Now with that said, this fucking piece of shit planet seems to always ensure the good die young and the evil never fuck off so who knows.
Just more procedurally generated and boring as fuck “new planets”
While I agree you should always label, google trends is specified so the 0-100 is clear with that context; 0 = not popular/searched, 100 = peak trending
Thank you for your service
Yet here you are, making an aCHuAly comment
deleted by creator
Anyone actually doing something like that has a problem.
Cool and then you and your family and loved ones starve, don’t get the medical attention and maintenance they need, same with meds, emergency services, etc.
Don’t forgot you’re one of the fucking morons living inside and depending on the society you’re gleefully imagining collapse. So many innocents will be killed just from the fall of all of these services and whatnot.
So all hitler had to do was say he regretted his plans and all would be fine?
What an emotionally immature meme, life isn’t a competition. It can be hard for people even when some have benefits and circumstances others don’t. You don’t know every detail and all of the context to everyone and trying to compete in the struggle Olympics doesn’t make you any more special than anyone else. You have no right to more sympathy just because you may have things harder:
Life sucks for us all in one way or another. How about learning some empathy instead of trying to turn your struggles into a badge to flex on others with.
I too can vouch for Mullvad, excellent service and privacy
I also enjoyed the Cal Kestis games more than I did playing outlaws, but outlaws is still a great game that really has that authentic Star Wars feel.
Push you out of a community? Could you be anymore dramatic lmao.
Pretty sure they just wanted you to stop replying to them or something stupid like that. All they said is “go away”
At what point does the screen become too big and it’s cumbersome and not very mobile, requiring you to hold this large heavy thing in your hands as the big screen is also the controller?
You’re whining about needing to lug around a controller as if that is some big task that kills portability but you’re still lugging around a big ass fucking screen that you must hold the entire time to use.
You say laptops aren’t really made for portable play but that is entirely false, SO many laptops are built exclusively as portable gaming solutions (and guess what, they work!)
Also, I don’t see how this relates to Reddit at all? You left Reddit because of shitposts like this? It’s just an opinion post about 3rd party evolutions similar to the deck in a deck community… what is so awful about this? It clearly spurred multiple discussions.
You don’t have to agree with every opinion/discussion post for a community to have value.
You’re missing the actual point, at what point does it become cumbersome to hold a big ass screen in your hand that is also the controller?
Yeah that argument has never dissuaded a single chud from embracing in the “alpha” bullshit. They’re being fed this bs from manosphere manipulators like Andrew Tate or someone adjacent or from peers. Their goal is to become cool and intimidating, it’s not about the bad research that lifted up this bullshit myth so long ago.
And you tell your child when they’re suffering from a life long birth defect/disability that you knew there was decent a chance they would end up trapped like that.
I’m sure that will help them feel better and the rest of their life coping will be so much easier!
Also known as the Mierdas touch