This store has a few variations of pots
This store has a few variations of pots
The point is that ADHD is an executive function disorder. There’s a lot of inertia to overcome before starting a task for someone with this disorder. It’s not like she didn’t know it was urgent or important, that actually probably played right into why she couldn’t do it
Red, White, and Blueland
Does this mean France, and Russia, and every other country with those colors in their flags also have claims to that land?
Avoidant Personality Disorder
I do actually have AvPD. I was diagnosed at the same time as I was with ADHD (at 35), and it was really a huge surprise to me that I had this whole disorder that I wasn’t even aware of. I had barely left my house in the four years leading up to that, so maybe I should have had an inkling lol.
I have to say that either my experience with AvPD is extremely different than what’s often presented, or a lot of “experts” don’t really understand what they are talking about. Dr. Honda knows what he’s talking about, though. Thank you for sharing ^^
I lived in an area that had more or less migrant workers depending on season. I did pick up some of the language as a kid, because I had friends who were part of that population, but honestly I can’t speak it now. Sometimes I can pick out the general meaning if I read it, but not often enough to be confident in my understanding.
All of my adhd friends need noise, I need silence. I’m the only one with a separately diagnosed sensory disorder, so that might explain it for me.
Anne McCaffrey was a favorite author of mine when I was a young teen. Some of her stuff is fantasy meets sci-fi, like the Dragon Riders of Pern series. The Crystal Singer was the only book I read of the crystal series, but it’s definitely young adult sci-fi. I’m dating myself, but I read it when Eiffel65 had released Europop, and I can’t help but think of that book whenever I hear one of those songs lol.
In Conquest Born by C. S. Friedman is my favorite book from my older teen years, it’s very political but also has complex descriptions of the technology in universe. She’s also won awards for her Coldfire trilogy, which I enjoyed but is definitely fantasy and not sci-fi
It’s used in the US too. I’ve heard it in both Montana and Arizona, at least
It’s not uncommon for people to ask to be referred to as their name instead of a pronoun. This just seems like that type of request to me. You’ll sometimes see “none” in forms requesting pronouns and this is something that would fall in that category
There is a melting point experiment I did in a college chemistry lab that involved melting glass tubing just to the point that we could stretch it to create a much thinner tube. Glass (depending on type) melts at a much higher temperature than what you’re using here for splicing, so that might be an easier and more reusable method for you?
Edit: search for “glass delivery tube”, should get you to what we used. Make sure it’s borosilicate and not polycarbonate
Patriot theatrics was stupid then, and it’s stupid now. I remember being extremely frustrated that no one could tell me why a better (more location specific?) name wasn’t more popular. It’s not like “freedom” is exlusive to the US.
Just tagging on for your post-it note thing: I’ve found out absurdly helpful to put post-it flags (they’re actually called that lol) in places my adhd strikes hardest so I at least have a visual reminder something needs to be done. I have a couple on my TV, and even though I haven’t actually used the TV in months, it’s in a good location for that my eyes wander to. Alarms and notifications are easy for me to ignore/mute or get annoyed by, the flags are inoffensive and passive
Why my friend didn’t get one that would fit, I don’t really know, but I suspect it’s because he’s still financially and mentally recovering from being a homeless teen. A handmade quilt that size would solve his problem, but it was also a way for us to show him we love him and he deserves to be warm at night
This varies by human size and blanket size.
One of my friends recently said he never had his shoulders and feet covered at the same time, and another friend who is shorter than I am shared a look of horror with me. I’m 5’3" and regularly tuck excess blanket under my feet and legs like a makeshift sleeping bag, it never occurred to me that this isn’t something everyone can do. Anyway, we decided it’s not okay for him to live life that way and made him an 8’x6’ quilt. He almost cried when we gave it to him lol.
I made the decision to buy at a bad time, and it turns out the mortgage rates went much higher than what I bought at. I have no idea if that will happen again, but my mental health absolutely benefited from owning my house over the stress of renting and waiting to find out if I need to move every year again.
My adhd is broken. I never have an interesting collection of questions to unleash on people; my brain just goes blank while I try to remember what a question is.
Anyone who is able to give blood, should. Not only to save other’s lives, but also to reduce the plastic in their own blood to potentially elongate their own life. Older men also have health benefits from blood donation that aren’t often talked about. It’s a not-entirely-selfless act, but one that is desperately needed