Won’t tolerate blind alignment with Luigi? Yikes that’s a lot of work, they’re going to have to ban like 1/3 of the entire fediverse.
Won’t tolerate blind alignment with Luigi? Yikes that’s a lot of work, they’re going to have to ban like 1/3 of the entire fediverse.
Like blaze said, both of those are great instances. I will say that I think dbzero’s admin, db0 of course, is more active in the fediverse community, and I tend to find myself agreeing with most of their decisions and stances.
Also, recently db0 has been pushing forward with a lot of initiatives towards user/community feedback and governance, which is refreshing to see. To me, it means they are willing to allow others to hold them ethically accountable, and actively pushing for community mechanisms to allow for that.
Honestly, having voiced this… I need to stop procrastinating on a donation. I spend too much time using instance not to throw them a few dollars for upkeep. db0, keep doing what you’re doing, this random guy appreciates it.
I wish I had your optimism. Personally, I feel like the world tends to try to clamp down pretty good on violent activism, and often for understandable reasons. I had hoped this time was different, that this time it was a uniting sentiment despite our many other divides in America. Instead, I often heard my conservative colleagues ironically admonish political violence over the past month.
We can’t seem to agree on a single thing, not even to despise the people killing our friends and family, and robbing us blind.