Goal: 20k CAD
Lowest reward thingy: 289 CAD
They only needed 70 people interested. Still surpassed over 1k supporters, so not too shabby.
Just your typical internet guy with questionable humor
Goal: 20k CAD
Lowest reward thingy: 289 CAD
They only needed 70 people interested. Still surpassed over 1k supporters, so not too shabby.
The same folks that created the real money auction house for Diablo 3, the memes “You think you do, but you actually don’t”; “Don’t you guys have phones?” and Diablo Immoral, continues to show their complete dissociation from reality because money.
Similar to his recent comments about how gamers turned the series towards live-service, Fergusson claims the “consumptive” nature of modern fans means a true, classic Diablo wouldn’t succeed anymore.
Ah yes, it’s the gaymurrs that asked for more fucking live service. Fuck off. To be fair, the actual interview doesn’t have anything saying that, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it was a statement thrown elsewhere, since diablo immoral is full of lootboxes, gems and all the predatory bullshit that works wonders to funnel money. It worked exactly as expected, it’s profitable beyond reason. To conflate that with “gamers want more of that” is pure corporate bullshit and they know it.
(Fergusson): And so we launched that way with D4 and we found out very quickly that if you don’t give me my Uber in my season, then I’m upset. And so we’re like, oh, wow, okay. And now it’s not like, now we actually have an uber currency, uber unique currency that you can go make the one. If you’re not finding it, you can actually go make it for yourself, right? And so, which is very different. It’s just a kind of a recognition of how much players have changed in 20 years. You know, what they, that consumptive nature of a live service and that time is money and I don’t have much time, so let’s go, right? And so that idea of like, oh, you’re going to get a unique every six months. So what are you talking about? I need to get all the unique in six months, you know? And so it’s been, so that’s that clarity that Brent talks about is just putting in players’ hands, getting their actions and adapting."
That’s a “problem” because of how you decided the game should work, as a fucking live service.
For more Diablo coverage, read about Fergusson’s wish to have the ARPG genre renamed to “Diablo-likes”.
Everything old is new again, I guess.
No. Movie, series, something else?
By machine would be faster, I believe, especially when moving to bigger plushies
The fantasy: i gain time stopping powers with little to no side effects on using it
The result: “Billionaire suicides skyrocket across the globe”
Hey, you can get those two extra inches with dedication and training! You just gotta start with the smaller plugs until your circumference can stretch 2 extra inches :D
Iametekudasaaaiii, turuku-kun!
Does that model-escort pipeline also applies to male models, or do they have to contend with other problems?
I work for the Brazilian govt. That should be self explanatory.
Well, those two are certainly ones to blow, alright
What would someone need to get started with sewing, if the focus was on making plushies?
55Wh battery, so this probably won’t last more than 2 hours as a portable.
I guess it’s one of those cases that a person only does it once, because they lose their dicks afterwards
$145.99 with me, just look at these CU-RAH-ZY savings!!!
There was a time when everyone had common sense
Oh, OP, you’re such a merry jester!
The whopper is cheap and tasty 'round my area, and leagues better in both price and taste compared to McD
It also obscures class consciousness: the underlying reason racism is such a popular political tool for any given ruling class.
Would you kindly let me play golf in peace in my underwater dystopia?
I end up claiming the games and never playing them. I wish they’d be more customer friendly, they’re swimming in money (fortnite + unreal royalties) but couldn’t for their lives surpass the very low quality bar of Origin or even UPlay!
I hate any password requirement that says “special characters” but has a list of exceptions, like no
. , ! ;
or empty spaces. Just tell the user to make a passphrase, enforce at least one empty space and, dunno, 25 characters minimum, and bam. It’s not like hackers try brute force anymore, they just hack insecure DBs full of user data and use that everywhere.