Edit: The game is gorgeous for me, I’m not surprised older builds are struggling. I didn’t mean to be a dick about it.
Edit: The game is gorgeous for me, I’m not surprised older builds are struggling. I didn’t mean to be a dick about it.
This just in, J.K. Rowling is a literal bag of pond scum. More old news at 11.
But NBA Jam is a game, not a bundle of perverse incentives disguised as a game.
She wasn’t Buffy, and the topic was about whether or not a death associated with a liver transplant at 39 years old was ‘natural’. Retorting with ‘I just don’t care’ on a topic that you spurred on begs the question - why did you decide to comment, at all?
Pretty sure she had a problem with alcohol
Idk, I very rarely ever see a 10/10 on Steam. Gonna go ahead and trust the hype on this one.
Why would any of that context matter to a 4channer?
I think that they just need to look like they didn’t just pick themselves off the floor, realistically.
Are you… are you being serious?
Edit: all words are made up, dipshit
Sorry that you can’t read buddy, here’s the definition:
A troglodyte is a person who lives in a cave, or someone who is reclusive or has old-fashioned views.
Imagine being so fucking stupid 🤣🤣
Your comment but better - ‘I can’t even recognize the word you tried to spell.’
Silence, troglodyte
Ah, I wasn’t aware that I shouldn’t demonize the imps crawling out of the pit of hell in front of me. It’s only fair, they’re only advocating for Satan - they aren’t actually Satan himself.
You fucking donkey.
I understand why it’s considered better, I’m merely elucidating the importance of recognizing that it’s a stop gap measure.
Isn’t that the problem though? Pandering by creating overly masculine women doing things that men traditionally do?
Idk, maybe I’m over simplifying it - but I’ve known a decent amount of sexists that love Alien. I don’t think she was overly masculine, nor do I think her role was overly masculine. Idk.
I think it really depends on why the story has a female lead.
I think Alien is a good example, Ripley could have been male and it really wouldn’t have changed the plot that much. If I’m not mistaken Ripley actually was male at one point in the movies writing.
Doesn’t matter that the shift happened, it happened, Sigourney Weaver fucking smashed it out of the park and the rest is history.
If the story is good and happens to have a female lead, I don’t think people are actually against it. The Menu is the first movie to come to mind, I don’t think anyone said anything about the lead in that being female (although being a lead in an ensemble cast with damn near equivalent amounts of screen time is kind of meaningless). I think what people are against is blatant pandering because it usually indicates that the product is poor.
Edit: this is my limited, anecdotally rooted opinion. There are probably a decent amount of people who will just not watch a female lead. I’ve known women who won’t watch something or play a video game without a female lead or the ability to create a female character, so I assume the same has to be true for men.
Oil mining is a more urgent issue, yes, but polluting the land with exhausted lithium mines is not the way to divest.
Until you start bringing up the lithium mining receipts.
Idk, the game is great and I distinctly remember people crying about stuff like this with DD2.
I’ll tell you what I said then. I was not tempted to buy any MTX in MH Wilds until I started reading the comments of people crying about it.
This is a basic fucking character creator we’re talking about. If you’re so spastic that you need to change your characters model every day, we have very different reasons for playing video games.
Let me put it this way. This is Monster Hunter. Why the fuck does your character looking a certain way mean so much to you? If it does mean so much, make a new character - the game hasn’t even been out for 3 days. These problems are literally non-issues.