Classic creepypasta. It’s this one, the search and rescue stories, and I think there’s another that slips my mind right now.
EDIT: boy did I miss a few.
Of course, some of the weaker ones imo are also classics:
Overall, this makes sense. We’ve kind of acted like console gaming is somehow separate from computer gaming because of consoles exclusive monopolies on various titles, but it’s become much clearer over time that it’s actually PC which has been gather exclusive titles by… just… Being easy to develop for with no requirement to port? It looks more and more like we’re seeing PC taking over the gaming space more and more. Hopefully valve can pull this off right.
This whole thing reads not like a codebase versus, but a traditional engineering approach (don’t act like you can patch this once you release it - get it done so it’s stable the first time) versus the more modern “move fast and break things” approach.