What an absolutely nothing of an article. Don’t waste your click.
What an absolutely nothing of an article. Don’t waste your click.
Try asking around your network for a person who has had a similar affliction, or ask a doctor you know for a referral. Doctors don’t usually send patient information unless approved by the patient, in which case it’s usually by means of industry or national standard file formats or even hard copies of you’re going old school.
Hopefully it never comes to that. That line from interstellar. Brrr…
I’m not so worried about his people - theyre just the distraction. But some of the policy changes are,.wow.
Any idea what could happen once the tipping point is reached? I mean, how likely is it that the houses of representatives flip on their current stance?
I think people in general are too lazy to do their due diligence. Plus, given the sheer volume of information being force fed into our minds every second, it’s not surprisng some ideas take hold. I personally think it has an amplifying effect, i.e. if a person is so predisposed, the influence is just that much more pronounced. Older people tend to have much more information to fall back on to resist radical changes to their opinion, but if the incoming data runs parallel to their beliefs, it gets stronger. Conversely, younger people do not have as much of a firewall, and are usually in the process of forming their world view, so would likely be more influenced by ratings and celebrities.
Americans are no different. But, the lowering standards of education doean’t help.
Most of what trump was on about sounded so ridiculous, his base just wrote it off as ‘rattling the libs’. Dems wrote him off as ‘theres no way an idiot like this would get elected’, twice. Both got surprised in their own way.
Really? The question isn’t targeted at Americans. It’s asking why most americans use iphones. Where does it say only Americans can answer? Are we carrying on from the other thread?
I’m from SEA, junior. Why?
Not an iphone user, but am intrigued by all the ads the apple people say are on androids. Literally have never seen one, and I’ve had adjusted androids since the og htcs.
So why do internet pundits think the US president can fix it with a wave of his hand?
Distill every shitty thing about every caricature about america and you get trump. If you believe in democracy, then this is what the American people wanted, or allowed to happen. For better or worse, it is what it is. No, I dont like that they’re now trying to drag the rest of us into their muck with them, but hey, its america. Hopefully other countries will reduce their dependence on the us and strengthen themselves with their allies and come out stronger. But the stink will be with us for a while.
Begun, the trade wars have.
Son, they all are. All of them.
That’s the trick - everyone is different, so what works for someone may not work for someone else. What I do know is, if you’re depending on cheat codes like physical or financial props, chances are you’ll burn out and lose interest after a while. Source: start noticing plenty of divorcees in the pool after 40, with kids in tow.
I’m seeing two. Barret for choosing to side with maga, or maga for choosing barret. Either way, I’m enjoying the show!