The choices were shit and shit regardless of who won, the red fascist or the blue fascists.
The choices were shit and shit regardless of who won, the red fascist or the blue fascists.
The blood is on the hands of anyone that supported the duopoly. Fascism has been here but liberals have been too distracted at brunch to pay attention. Everytime they accept ‘lesser evil’ they are accepting incremental fascism…
People are still being held there, with no due process for over 20 years.
1 person being held with no due process is as bad as 30000.
Liberals and their fucking trump derangement syndrome keep fighting the wrong things.
If they wanted to vote for a right wing reactionary they would have voted for Trump, not the one pandering to his base.
You’re talking like it hasn’t always been a concentration camp. If liberals bothered to hold their own people accountable and have an actual red line that couldn’t be crossed, someone like Trump could have never made it into office.
I was very political, but everything said and posted was within TOS limits. 3 of my huge subs were abandoned and are now being run by shit mods. They claimed I was inciting violence by saying Palestinians have the right to defend themselves.
My old account was 15 years old, approaching 2 million karma, never a single warning, no posts or comments ever removed for violating Reddit TOS and a some Zionist fascist pig admin didnt like a pro Palestinian comment and permabanned me
Because Dems are complicit in his actions, they only opposed him in rhetoric, in action they back him
As someone that’s traveled in first class extensively there are always peanuts on board
Americans foundation was built as an oligarchy.
You know propaganda has been effective when its intended victim does not know that they were a victim. If it’s on television via any news source, it is propaganda.
It sounds like somebody got triggered, liberals put Trump into power by being ineffective at governing and ratcheting all of the Republican right-wing legislation that’s put in place over the last 50 years. If liberals bothered to hold their own politicians accountable and refuse to support them when they did actions that directly targeted the working class, someone like Biden or Trump would never have had the opportunity to come into office.
Yours is the party that is willing to overlook a genocide and in some cases deny that there is a genocide, a party that labeled protesters to that genocide as terrorists. That has laid the groundwork and built the foundation for things like mass deportation, militarizing police departments which Trump will now weaponize. Liberals that spent 50 years accepting small amounts of lesser evil which in turn accepting incremental fascism.
This is a bed that liberals have made for themselves and the rest of the country and now they’re really uncomfortable with it. They love talking about purity tests while allowing their own politicians to get away with everything that they want to because they know that liberal voters are ignorant enough to keep coming back and elect them, because they have no red line, they have no backbone.
Liberal voters are so ineffective at creating change they target the symptoms of a corrupt system and not the system of exploitation itself. In case this is not clear, Trump is a symptom of a corrupted system. And by refusing to address that corrupted system that their party is part of. They continue to harm the marginalized communities that they constantly virtue signal for. But it’s very difficult to see that harm that you are inflicting when you’re busy at brunch when your president is in office