That’s unfortunate. Hopefully you can at least have a set schedule on most nights since you can’t do it every night.
That’s unfortunate. Hopefully you can at least have a set schedule on most nights since you can’t do it every night.
Howso? Like some nights you get off at 5pm and sometimes you’re working til 9?
Sleeping is my super power - I fall asleep within two or three minutes every night. Here’s how I do it.
Interesting concept. I’m a sucker for atmospheric horror and might give this a shot when it comes out.
Damn, that’s unfortunate. Is that even the case with the Vive or other headsets?
My SurfaceBook 2 runs Beat Saber well using Quest 2 and Steam Link. It has a GTX 1060, if that helps. Huge grain of salt because I have not tried it since switching to Linux.
I think that only works for individuals with penises. When I have sex or masturbate, it immediately gives me energy and I’m inclined to jump out of bed and be productive.
I stole so many books as a kid. The library didn’t have books on Wicca and Paganism so I stole them from Waldenbooks.
Almost all of my Lemmy posts (except this one) have been done after a few beers. Sometimes I make a fool of myself by asking stupid questions, but I just own it and thank the responders for helping to set me straight. No sense in being embarrassed.
If it was something that could be seen by people I know irl, though, I would absolutely delete it.
I work in a highly secured facility so… there’s a LOT I could do to get instantly fired. The fastest would probably be trying to get through security with a weapon.
You mean the sex towel?
I just saw this for the first time recently. It hit me so hard that I had to call my therapist for an extra session. The look on her face was identical to my father’s when he passed.
“I’ve been sober all day.” is my new comeback when someone insults my intelligence in an argument.
Like a studio apartment? Maybe it would help to have a “daytime setup” for your bed where pillows and cushions make it more like a couch, and a “nighttime setup” where it’s made up to sleep.