Which one? The first one came out in 2008 which makes it more than 16 years old.
Which one? The first one came out in 2008 which makes it more than 16 years old.
Ok, how many times did they post it?
Cause I looked and I saw 2 comments of this.
And this is a platform where the different instances have different posts and comments sections and maybe they just want to have a conversation about their wild low stake conspiracy so they commented it twice in the 2 threads they saw of this?
If I am missing something let me know but I do wonder what you mean by your point.
Well if it was insecure about itself of course it was gonna get rude about other people’s existence.
Insecurity always leads to populism.
Next we will have to worry about it not being fully honest with us when we train it on insincere code.
Also yes I know insecure can mean not properly managed but give me my word play.
What do you mean by this?
He’s definitely showing his old man in this. He really just thinks this is a clever deal and will make people flock to buy their way in and get more wealthy people therefore more wealth.
Honestly New Zealand could do this and put the price at $500 million and they would absolutely get takers.
He really does think America is the greatest asset to sell and that’s so worrying for anyone living in it.
It’s not stupidity, it’s wealth.
When you have so much that you don’t know what to do with anymore, you start looking for more exotic ways to spend it and you settle on things like overprice produce and single use clothing items.
All of it in an attempt to feel some excitement from the boredom of being able to do whatever you want but being still constrained by your day to day life.
It sure looks stupid though when you could just buy a good strawberry and enjoy it.
Hey if iron man can be dr doom and Palpatine can suddenly return cause you need a big baddy for a third film, anything can happen in this movie industry.
Maybe one day they will need 91 year old Kathleen to step in and produce Star Babies where they just remake the movies but with magical force babies as the protagonists a-la Baby Geniuses.
Man I’m having an issue finding encounters of the spooky kind 2 and got to a max of 17.6%…
I’m honestly contemplating just finding somewhere to download from manually at this point.
Shockingly my SO suggested they found it free on the criterion collection and that… Might be the biggest chad move I’ve seen.
Yeah if you are at the point of having to swap out an entire organ you are not going to have a great time.
It is a shame that she died young but entropy and death does not care for the money you have.
She can at least be free of never being alone in a room with Joss Whedon ever again but life would be more fair if he was the one who died alone on the floor.
Same but expanding has been a bad sale lately because it pisses off old nerds or only appeases them because they focus on stories we already know the beginning and end to.
And apparently we can’t trust to tell a completely new story in the same world as that would kill the merchandise already made of characters you wish to keep around forever in their collectors packaging.
Basically people are scared to step in any direction in case it is wrong and impacts the profit.
So remake, that isn’t too different but younger.
Do you know how many huge companies make money on keeping this franchise alive to sell merchandise rights and theme park tickets?!
And those 2 are worth more than any artistic integrity ever.
Somehow, in 2 decades, she comes back.
Because that’s just how these kind of stories go.
Oh yeah.
Me mold.
Lemon jello.
Just before it sets.
Yes, I too like money
My grandparents got married because my grandfather left his car keys in his coat on the rack by the door of a diner and someone grabbed his coat.
Apparently while they waited in the diner for a friend to pick them up he asked my grandmother if they should get married and she said
3rd date. It was just something to do back then.
You say as dozens of foaming mouth lemmings pile on thinking themselves somehow as good for being this ingrained in their group think.
In other words, yeah, totally agree.
Yeah and you can also get backlash for it. You aren’t immune to it.
Until you block everyone and then you will just miss them talking behind your back you still have to deal with responses to your actions.
You are being a jerk. So block me too. Cause I won’t block you but I will call you out for being a jerk as I see it.
No one ever actually gets cancelled if they have money and influence.
If they aren’t dead they weren’t cancelled, they just got free publicity in the form of backlash.