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Joined 11 days ago
Cake day: February 21st, 2025

  • I did GOMAD, actually more like 1/2 GOMAD. https://www.healthline.com/health/food-nutrition/gomad-diet for 4-5 months to gain weight. Went to gym as well so at least some of the weight goes to muscles.

    Trying to eat more is going to be very difficult for you due to early satiety and not knowing how much more you actually need to eat and it is hard to count calories from random food and do math in your head all the time is annoying.

    We skinny people think that we are eating enough but actually need to eat a lot more than we think. Maybe our bodies are not efficient at extracting the calories from food or high metabolism, I have no idea. I will be eating the same as my normal/over-weight/ friends but not gain weight. With GOMAD you can monitor the calories and can figure out at which point (calories) you start to gain weight, the math is easy to do as well.

    In my opinion, Milk is the most easiest if you can handle milk. It is fast to consume, 0 preparation, easy to monitor/count the calories, easy to adjust as needed and can fit easily in to your normal habit/schedules and lastly no dishes (only cup) to clean up. The more easy something is to do the more likely you will stick to it.

    I built up to it, started with 2 glasses of milk a day and slowly increased every few day to 1/2 GOMAD. Your bowels will tell you if you are drinking too much too soon. Go slow, the body digestive system, microbes needs to build up to it. Once I notice I was gaining weight I stayed at that amount for a few months, it was 1/2 GOMAD for me.

    Note that this is not a long-term thing, I don’t think it is healthy long-term, once you reach your goal, focus more on variety of food. I still drink about 1 liter of milk a day. One thing I notice that once you gain quite a bit of weight it is quite difficult to lose it.

  • That happened to me too, when I first started reading a book/graded reader. I think one of the reason was due to lack of vocab and lack of knowledge of commonly used tenses and grammar.

    My research lead to this wiki article. It gave me an idea how many high freq words I need to know to read books.

    The effects of vocabulary size on language comprehension The knowledge of the 3000 most frequent English word families or the 5000 most frequent words provides 95% vocabulary coverage of spoken discourse.[21] For minimal reading comprehension a threshold of 3,000 word families (5,000 lexical items) was suggested[22][23] and for reading for pleasure 5,000 word families (8,000 lexical items) are required.[24] An “optimal” threshold of 8,000 word families yields the coverage of 98% (including proper nouns).[23]

    I wonder if those 5k Anki premade deck on ankiweb are based on those numbers. Anyway, I completed a 1k deck a while back. Now, I am going through a 5k deck to test myself and also see new words. But I mostly do sentence mining from books and games. I use Anki addons AnkiMorphs and FrequencyMan to keep track of how many words I’ve seen or know. It is mostly an experimental for me, not sure if it is good or bad.

  • I tried several deck but the one I completed was the Refold Deck for French. It is a paid deck.

    Now I am going through a “5000 most frequently used French words” mainly just to test myself. It is super easy since I am now about A2 level but I still encounter new words. This deck has a speak section which I will be practicing with soon.

    Other than that I mostly sentence mine from books I am reading to create new sentence cards.

    For words/structure that I have difficulty with, I search them on Reverso Context and grab even more sentences from there.

    To add, If you are going to use Refold Deck, note that It does not have super high frequency words like “I, you , he, she, they, am” . Reason being, you would acquire them just from other learning method, grammar, graded books, apps and etc.

    For cards that I create myself, I use Ankimorphs / Frequencyman add-on to sort my cards according to frequency. FrequencyMan is easier to setup but I like Ankimoprh various options. Both provides useful stats. I use HyperTTS to create the Audio.

    I also use the FSRS Helper add-on, which helps me with postponing cards, reschedule cards, and flatten future due cards.