We need more funding in teleportation tech development.
We need more funding in teleportation tech development.
Driving in Iceland indeed was a lot of fun. Norway and Sweden also have many pretty roads. I’m ok with sightseeing with a car, but for just travel it’s just boring.
Ignite the combustion engine and control something larger than yourself
I used to control a hyper modern Navy frigate, a car is just boring. You go straight, have to wait for the next exit and constantly have to deal with morons who apparently got their drivers license with a pack of cornflakes or something.
(just seeing you live in Netherlands though, yeah not the most fun country to drive at all lol)
We have the best rated roads in the entire world, so. But traffic jams are a thing.
When I’m going on holiday I usually drive, to Portugal or Norway for example. But driving for 18h is just boring. Especially when you’re not allowed to go faster then 90km/h like on most roads in Scandinavian countries.
But like, sea to sky highway for example in a sports car. That’s one of the true joys in life. What a time to be alive
Try a sports car in Germany. No speed limit. It’s fun, for a bit. But I prefer to get my thrills from other things in life.
I’ve had a car for many years. I’m a very good and responsible driver. But I sold it, now own an electric bycicle and use public transportation. It helps against traffic jams, gives me time to do other things while traveling and doesn’t get me as frustrated by the stupidity of others as fast as driving a car.
Boring, I’d rather have the driving done for me, get me a train
I just want to be sure.
Elon his blood. 6L is enough.
At 1 bar the boiling point of oxygen is 90.19 K (−182.96 °C, or the temperature of a banana when thrown into liquid oxygen, in freedom units) so lower than this up to freezing point (54.36 K, −218.79 °C) is liquid form. So it should be comfortable for a human to bath in, with the current world tension, clown leaders and right wing extremism on the rise.
Nothing feels more like freedom than being stuck in a traffic jam.
Nice, I did nazi that coming
Hitler wanted a car for the people, VW delivered. Elon has Tesla.
Hitler got the first rocket ever, to bomb London. The V1 and V2. Elon has SpaceX.
Hitler wanted control over the media, he made Goebbles propaganda minister. Elon bought Twitter.
Hitler wanted ultimate power, he got rid of every opposition there was. Elon does the same with DOGE.
But in the end, no one is exactly the same. Many have resemblances to nazis but they are racist assholes in their own way.
There’s a catfé in my town, a café with cats. Great concept, could work for cinemas too.
Ik have a beamer and an automated download system on my NAS. I have my own cinema but with a comfy couch, I can pause when I need a new drink or for a toilet break, watch anything I want and I have my own snacks too. Plus, 3 kitties fighting for my lap.
A fiver is a good deal though, cinema over here is expensive. €20 for a ticket. Snacks and drinks are also expensive AF.
It’s just to alienate and villainize the people they don’t like. Image someone as criminal and disgusting and other people will grow the same feeling. It’s what, Trump does too, with immigrants and trans people. Hitler did the same with jews. Spreading hate 101.
First, a spelling mistake: “Hitlerious” is the correct spelling in this situation.
Second, Ye isn’t the new Hitler, Musk already is. Ye wants to be, but Musk acts like one.
4k-videodownloader does this. Only paid version, but it’s a one time payment of 5 dollars or something like that.
Gun owning Americans, not being allowed to jerk off.
That’s probably fine…
I know vets have contracts with food companies, but these companies also sell wet food which is more expensive so you’d expect vets to try and sell you we food instead. These companies tell you to combine dry and wet food, they have charts to tell you how much of each for your cat. Instead, several vet offices with different contracts all tell me the same, as well as the university hospital, to stick with only dry food so I’m going to stick with that. Wet food isn’t great for their teeth and it has too much protein making them fat. My cats are super healthy with a perfect weight. They just need water available at all times so I give them fresh water daily and they have 2 cat fountains.
Hey, where’s Norway? And Iceland?