Counter counter point…I’m watching you make stew!!!
Counter counter point…I’m watching you make stew!!!
My sister got pregnant back in 2011. So I got her the book and audiocd of “Go the fuck to sleep”.
She did NOT find it funny.
Well this took a turn…
No! Nerds are cool, and I like them a lot!
How about “fuckwit”?
Oh, it’s bullshit. It’s a bunch of cockfucking bullshit.
You’re sitting, waiting for the bus, trying to look down the street to see if you notice the bus coming. What do you see instead? White. Just an all encompassing blinding white light which just consumes all reality and everything you’re experiencing right now.
NOW how am I supposed to know if I should be getting my bus pass out? Also, 50% chance my retinas were just singed to a crisp.
Is it dangerous? What if the bears wake up?
God damn that works on so many different levels!
Gee, I…guess I was wrong.
Sir, this is the internet. You’re not allowed to admit you were wrong. You’re supposed to get arguementitive and beligerant.
Canada, England, Australia, the moon.
Any of these are better than here.
Have you SEEN the price of eggs???
“Should I still be friends with my ex?”
Forget the rest. She’s your ex, and for that reason alone, no. There’s a reason she’s your ex. Keeping her around just makes it harder for you to get over her.
All that other stuff is just complications on top of the fact that she’s your ex.
Yeah! There are LOTS of Cleveland communities, but I have declaired [email protected] to be the one true official Cleveland community.
No, see? I really did declaire this
So come join us, and talk about Tim Misneys eyebrows.
Maybe the fediverse chick is becoming an expert in aliens?
So you’re 134 years old. Got it.
“What’s Strange Albert doing in the Impact Zone, Mike???”
Teach your cat how to wash it’s vomit.
Oh! Mr Wiskers! Did you vomit on the carpet??? Go get the cleaning bucket!
No, I don’t care. You’re cleaning this!
Yeah, you’re gonna think twice about doing this again, aren’t you?
Pssshhhh!!! I’m not bailing you out. Now clean this up!