she/her, A(u?)DHD, linksgrünversiffte filthy librul German fanartist. Likes Doctor Who the normal amount.
“This is techbro nonsense” is shorthand for “this is false for reasons 1, 2, 3 describing what techbros think”. Just like “this is racist” is shorthand for “this is false for reasons 1, 2, 3 describing what racists think”. Why should we waste time explaining in detail again and again what’s wrong with an argument when there are simple words that encompass it all? KevinOfficeWords.jpg
That seems like a VERY different issue than you’re asking in the OP and the internet won’t be able to help you with that.
A city having to put a bit more money into maintenance of a tourist attraction vs a homeless person getting to not starve for one more day. Hm. Tricky.
You need to provide more context.
you’re the problem for wanting to be credited for your own work and be seen as more than a disorder.
If this happened to you, you encountered a shitty person.
If you wish to make art from scratch, you must first invent the universe.
People not checking the community name 🤷 at least you know everybody agrees that the article is scum.
I’m starting to think the film might have a couple of plot holes
😱😱😱 This masterpiece of intricate world building?! You shut your mouth!
Cool, thank you for teaching me something :)
Because your evolutionary heritage tells you to. You’re part of a social species, we’re hardwired to be altruistic because it’s helped us survive (some people’s wiring is faulty).
Nothing in the OP implies that they asked anything that an adult should find personally “embarrassing”.
Why? If it’s about a group effort, why would I hide that from the group?
What’s the distinction between cocktails and mixed drinks?
Apparently there are people who receive monetary compensation for drawing comics. Some apparently can even do that as their main job. That’s what I heard at least, they seem to be rare.
If it’s about the person specifically, sure. Not when it’s about a group effort like work.
A German media outlet had a headline in 2020 along the lines of “Wir wünschen BIDEN Kandidaten viel Glück” - “Best of luck to BOTH candidates”. It’s an untranslatable pun based on “Biden” and the German word for “both” being homophones (and also near homonyms).
Out of date cache makes sense although I don’t think I’ve seen any system app ever above 3 stars (that’s why I even checked the Playstore page). Deleting the comment to not further propagate my false assumptions.
(Edit: There were two screenshots here, showing wildly different ratings for the app on the DuckDuckGo results page and the Playstore itself. The comment below kindly reminded me that DDG doesn’t update in real time. Duh. I apologise for posting too quickly.)
That is an Insult for the glorious Language of my Forebears and a Freshness that i me not listen to will. A beautiful Day wish i You, the Sir/the Dame.
kill me lol
Turning off hardware acceleration helps, at least in Firefox.