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Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: November 21st, 2024


  • That presumes you can read the author’s mind. It’s impossible to tell with 100% certainty what an author meant to say. You can make assumptions and some can be more plausible than others and people can agree that one interpretation seems more valid than another but that’s it. When a work of art is released into the world, the author has no authority over its meaning.

    A good artist of course can make certain intentions very obvious and control, to a certain degree, what the recipient feels. That’s what you’re perceiving as missing in AI generated pictures.

  • Who uses the Death of the Author to justify media illiteracy? I think you may be misunderstanding what the term means?

    When people say “the author is dead”, what they mean is that, when interpreting a piece of art, it doesn’t matter what the original artist meant to say with it - for the purpose of the interpretation they are dead and you cannot ask them what they meant.

    It’s always a personal matter what you see in art, any interpretation that makes sense to you is valid, even if it may not be what the artist intended. (That does not mean you can bullshit your way through poem analysis in school, different situation)

  • Edit: lolshit wall of text about ADHD of all things. Sorry!

    Attention DEFICIT is a misleading term. It’s more an issue of not being able to willingly direct your attention.

    That’s why ADHD brains hyperfixate on something and we’re are unable to switch to something else, even though we KNOW we should/want to/have to do the other thing - we can’t direct our attention away from the thing our brains are hyperfixating on.

    What sometimes looks like rapid “task switching” is again the inability to direct our attention so it flips around uncontrolled.

    This also often leads to a weird state of paralysis where we’re doing absolutely fuck all because we can’t activate our attention properly but we’re yelling at ourselves on the inside to DO THE FUCKING THING YOU FUCKING LAZY SHIT.

    For ADHD brains to be able to consciously, actively direct attention, there needs to be some immediate reward. It can’t be some vague reward that might come in the future, like “you won’t have back pain when you’re old (so exercise!)”. That doesn’t work.

    For me (and others, I hear), it’s often the thought that others are depending on me doing The Thing. That’s why I was absolutely insanely good at organising shit in my last job - my coworkers depended on me having prepared all kinds of data. Without this reward, I am completely useless at organising stuff.

    Unless it’s interesting, of course, which is again an immediate reward.

    Does this sound in any way like you?

    Edit: and did you have trouble directing your attention to get through this text? :D