My parents are finally getting rid of it. The one thing I’ve noticed, though, is that not having a subscription service means I’m very unlikely to get off my butt and watch tv/movies. Which isn’t a bad thing, I guess I just value other entertainment more?
I’ve wanted to watch the boy and the heron for a while. Maybe I’ll get to it eventually, lol.
The only thing I don’t like it stolen artwork/voices/identities being used.
I also don’t like how I have to now hyper analyze everything I see and hear as an additional step to confirm if I’m seeing something legitimate or if it’s someone trying to mislead people.
I think my favorite parts of these tools are translation and simple word editing. Being able to prompt it to assist with various logic problems can also be nice.
So I feel conflicted. I guess like with any tool, it can be used properly or improperly