It ain’t the men’s opinion the women are listening to. We hardly notice when you cut your hair according to most women. It’s other women’s opinion that cause things like high heel to exist.
It ain’t the men’s opinion the women are listening to. We hardly notice when you cut your hair according to most women. It’s other women’s opinion that cause things like high heel to exist.
I don’t think the vast majority of people are pro conscription. Some see it as necessary, but I wouldn’t call that pro. That said, if other countries provided professional soldiers instead of just money, maybe conscription wouldn’t be needed.
It ain’t just race. Pop into one of the nuerodivergent (sp?) Subs on like reddit. So many posts like “I do X. Is it because I am Y”. And “why do we all do Y”. And “I hate that NT people do Z”…
Because it has become fashionable not to hide it.
Evil has always been winning. The early homo sapiens attacked the Neanderthals. They kept them as slaves and raped the women. (At least that is the current theories, no one “really” knows the specifics other than they “won”). It is in the nature of homo sapiens to get ahead by exploiting others. It’s why they win, and why we have the technology and such we have today. A person with less morals to constrain them will win out over a moral person. I think our only realistic way out is to let AI take over. But I don’t see any reason why it won’t come to the same conclusion, and then exploit us even more. But one can hope.
So it’s federated like lemmy? Interesting. So you pay an instance I assume. But does that get you access to all other instances like lemmy? That seems odd, but possible.
I’ve heard of usenet. Never understood how they can exist legally. Or how people pay them legally.
I play things like satisfactory, tf2, portal, doom stuff. But I am too old to play anything where reaction time really matters all that much. Like tf2 I only play mann vs machine now. My monitors are just 144hz. Nothing too fancy. Though I do have 2. And I forgot about VR. I want to get one, but I have no idea if linux supports them or how much the graphics card matters these days.
My understanding is that not everything is available that way though. I had a friend say they tried to get star trek the motion picture. And while it was there. A month later he still only had half of it. Thats a pretty big name movie to be so hard to get.
I’m guessing boot to a USB and run some kind of repair utility?
So if they are on different disks, does that keep windows from eating the linux bootloader? Also, do you use something other than UEFI to manage which OS boots? Seems like a lot of people just use UEFI if things are on different disks.
Books, podcasts, niche youtubers, video games. Jusy keep trying different subjects until you find something that interests you. Learning is usually a draw for a lot of people. You could also try volunteering in some way. Maybe that will be more fulfilling.
I was really surprised that didn’t cause major issues. I guess they all figure BS comes out of his mouth a lot. So maybe they are waiting for the second time to react. I dunno, not sure how he dodged that bullet.
It’s not that he wouldn’t do it… but that it would hurt rich people, so they would litterally kill him. Then Vance would come in and assure everyone that the US would make good on them all.
They aren’t trying to shame anyone. They are just trying to get thier own names on the news. You mistake these poloticians for people who care about others.
The next election will be very interesting.
If trump is still functional (in the goes to rallies for a successor sense), will there be someone he can or will transfer his popularity to. I kind of doubt it. Anyone able to take on that popularity is a threat to him. Maybe he would do it for one of his kids, because he might think he could control them, but I still doubt it. So he might submarine his own party.
That would open the door for another boring centrist from the democrats that “plays ball” with the party elites.
If trump is too feeble to do any rallies and such. That would allow a trump like replacement to pick up the republican torch. This would push the dems toward needing a progressive trump like populist to try to win. The dem “party” (the people behind the scenes) would fight that. Just like they did when Bernie was up against Hillary. And could end up handing it to the new trump like person. This would be the path to your future one party system.
The third scenario would have trump die in office somehow. Vance would “play ball” with the rep party elite in a heartbeat. And he is more like a pre-trump politician. We saw that in the vp debate. But the party elite would probably back him. It could end up with the return of the pre trump days with boring poloticians who just do what the party elite say, with the party elite m9ving back into the shadows.
You can’t push back against the person who doesn’t care. These “trump” things aren’t likely coming from trump. All he wants is attention. So as long as someone spins an idea to him that will get him attention, he will sign it. He hasn’t had an original idea in decades. So you won’t see push back in public much. It will happen between the people behind the scenes.
Incorporating is just the legal paperwork that brings a corporation into existence. Never done it, but I bet it is just paperwork and money.
Only problem is my kid sees the light early on and assumes I am already awake. Then he comes and puts a hand on my shoulder while leaning in with the light behind him. Not sure that one will make adulthood. Lol
The media everywhere knows that showing people who are on an extreme gets more views. So that is what you will see from outside. As for the people you have meet. The chill people don’t travel as much.
Probably stole the invention from a women though. Lol. But doesn’t matter who invented, only why they are worn.