The door looks high enough to come over the drinks, but I do have bad depth perception. If not, I think there’s room to squeeze a person out the side of the door and get the delivery, but you wouldn’t want to fling the door open.
The door looks high enough to come over the drinks, but I do have bad depth perception. If not, I think there’s room to squeeze a person out the side of the door and get the delivery, but you wouldn’t want to fling the door open.
In some of those situations, you can “solve” what you think is the problem, but it’s impossible for her to explain the aspects that make your “solution” inadequate. Your life experience is just so different, you think you understand but you don’t. And that just upsets her more. Women aren’t against solutions, they’re just done with men not actually understanding, even when they think they’re listening.
She’s weaponizing the soulcrushing banality of the DMV for good! Her deadpan face and stolid “I’m here all day anyway” refusal to give an inch, and then the little chink of sunshine through her castle wall as she helped you, a normal person who treated her with respect.
IMHO it’s being in the carrier, since they start complaining before they’re even in the car. As a young college idiot I drove 3 days with a cat and a friend, and we didn’t have a carrier. The cat found herself a "safe spot under a seat, and since it wasn’t the driver’s seat we let her stay there. She was quiet, seemed pretty calm, even slept. If I knew my cat would stay in a safe spot like that, and would get back in the carrier to go into the vet’s office, I might let her out for the drive. But that’s not gonna happen.