Grow up. I don’t mean this as an insult. You’ll see how your attitude ages.
Grow up. I don’t mean this as an insult. You’ll see how your attitude ages.
Someday, all your elders will be dead, and you might wish you’d spent more time with them.
I used to be a multi sneezer. Like five or six times. Now it rarely happens. Who knows? Like I said, humans are weird.
So I thought I pulled a great prank once. I made a QR code that directed to lemonparty. I used an online sticker service’s free trial to print a bunch up with my friend’s Instagram at the bottom. I travel all over for work so I was going to put them everywhere.
My problem was I printed them in yellow and they wouldn’t scan. I told my friend and he thought it was a funny idea just like I knew he would, not a malicious prank. Wish it had worked.
That’s very interesting that sick/sjuk have the same slang meaning, thanks.
My mother sneezes whenever she’s done with eating
That’s so bizarre. Humans are weird.
We have a blanket textured just like that for the big boy when he wants to knead. He leaves it very wet because he suckles it.
On the flip, don’t even say sorry unless you were at fault. Saying I’m sorry can be an admission of guilt.
Uhh… Take that much at once 😉
The reason I recommend eating an eighth the first time is so they really understand what mushrooms are all about. Notice I also recommended safe space, trusted people, etc. Hopefully at least one psychonaut. I’m not against trip sitters, I just think they change the vibe and can impede personal growth despite best intentions.
But back to the dose. A lower dose can just feel like a really fun high with body effects. Maybe mild hallucinations. If that’s all someone is after then great! I hope they have fun.
But 3 or 3.5g will introduce people to the deeper aspects of psilocybin. If someone is really scared or something maybe start out lower but they would be missing half of the experience.
Just tip well. I believe the waitresses tip out the cook but I’m not 100. And that may vary by location
I couldn’t agree more. Spread the Waffle House love. Good food, good prices, and they aren’t even dangerous if you go before midnight. Might want to clear out before 3am so you don’t have to witness the after bar insanity, or don’t, it can be fun.
Fuck Denny’s.
3 or 3.5 grams dried is what I think the initial dose should be. Just enough to start deep thinking and maybe get out of hey that tree has a face! Mode.
Least tech informed Minnesotan.
Just a heads up “Dindu Nuffin” is something racists call black people on hate sites.
Philips makes everything from TVs to vital life or death monitoring equipment to barbeque grills.
So I was 20 years old and driving drunk. Yes I was/am an idiot. I have never driven drunk in the 21 years since. I was so stupid I was trying to creep alleyways instead of just driving normally to get back to my apartment.
I pulled out of an alley and a man in a truck speeding very much over the limit hit the front right on the car I was driving, totalling both. He hit me so hard my car spun over 360 degrees, off the road and into a tree. We were both unhurt.
So I get out of the car and approach the guy who’s cussing me out and getting his phone. I begged him not to call the police (which was a joke this was a bad crash right across the tracks from downtown, not like they weren’t coming anyway). The guy says fuck you and calls the cops.
He was drunk too. We rode to jail handcuffed side by side in the same car. We got out on PR next day and we see each other. The guy is like hey motherfucker you cost me my job. I just said you called the cops on yourself!
Don’t drive drunk kids. I was broke and this left me without a car for eight years as I couldn’t get enough money together to pay the fine and take the classes, which was way way more than the price of a decent used car. I was also sentenced to additional time in county jail and it’s the most scared I’ve ever been, and I’d had guns shoved in my face twice before this happened, and I’d been beaten by three cops in custody on another occasion. Jail was fucking terrifying. Just don’t do it. There’s always another option.
I never owned a Sega but my dad had one and this game. I wasn’t there often enough to get good at it but I loved it. Great game.
About 25/75 split. You can guess which side is which. Almost all my family is dead and I miss them. Some more than others.