I have never been there, so forgive my ignorance… Are these the only things in California that are extremely flammable?
I have never been there, so forgive my ignorance… Are these the only things in California that are extremely flammable?
From the situation where you suddenly need to make up an example for a lemmy post.
go to Iran and be like pay up?
I don’t think that it works like a Hollywood comedy, where 1000 candidates pop up and each one claims “It was me, it was me!”.
A serious candidate would go there first, make friends, meet the right people. You would make sure that you know where to go afterwards etc. and you want that they know exactly who gets the bounty, before things happen.
The most funny one was a professional and rather costly password checking tool.
Besides the usual other rules, it had a rule that the new pw must not be similar to the old one. For similarity, this thing checked each character in it’s place.
So you could have the old one:
“MyAssMy$1” and the new one:
“$1MyAssMy” and it was not similar at all :)
Don’t forget industrial heat
Why? Is it different from “all of mankind’s energy”?
sex in space?
Well, not exactly. There’s these bulky suits, you know, they get in the way.
Inside the ISS it might be a different story.
Directly, as you phrased the question: No.
Indirectly: Yes. Because we would automatically stop burning fuels when we get all our energy from solar. That would decrease the temerature a tiny little bit.
But the temerature of the planet does not really depend on such actions. For example, the indirect effects of CO2 and Ozone in the atmosphere have much more powerful impacts - and still they can only change the temperature at the planet’s surface (that’s what our lives depend on). The whole of the planet is yet another thing.
Great answer! 😃
a manager who seems to be nice, but everyone is nice 'till they stop being such.
…at this point I wondered, spontaneously, if you have it in your work contract that the manager must be nice.
Regarding your specific question:
I can give a company a second chance. But never a manager where I have worked and quit. I have actually avoided applying, or canceled an application, at companies where I knew that a former manager was now.
learn how to unplug.
Very well said.
How do you insert/eject the discs from a webui?
My opinion is that satire must hurt. Otherwise it may have no impact, then it is nothing else than cheap comedy. But it is possible that it hurts too much, so that some people cannot endure it. Society has a duty to protect the weak as well as the artists. It is a narrow line.
What a void attitude.
The Charlie Hebdo event has proven that the discussion is very neccessary, and that satire is not fully respected even in a modern western society.
I have used 3-4 different reddit accs, back in the days, when I was still there.
Sooner or later, I got some ban or other.
I simply used the next one and that was that.
When you are unable to do that, find out how they could identify you as the same natural person.
Some ideas:
The same app/browser? (without any privacy settings)
The same IP address?
The same E-mail?
The same way of swearing? 😉
If you did all of these wrong, then no wonder.
the line between […] just being a creepy stalker?
Depends mainly on your own looks, and a little bit on the question if she’s already into you:
Are you closer to George Clooney or The Real Life Hunchback?
If it is at work, then as exactly as my Outlook displays that Calendar message. Everybody does that, and within less than 30 seconds all are there.
If it is just among friends, then 3-5 minutes earlier, because the tech is somewhat different each time, and I do not want to make people wait for me.