She sounds kind of autistic to me, struggling to process social cues and the like.
She sounds kind of autistic to me, struggling to process social cues and the like.
He should tell them to piss off if they offer.
They forgot the bit where the Waterfall method blew through the budget and deadline about five times over.
*American President
I did this with “Everybody Hurts”. Everybody went outside.
It’s cute that people think those are low res graphics.
FIFA, for pioneering the idea you can release the same game every year with minor cosmetic tweaks.
“Never” - You keep using that word. I’m not sure it means what you think it does.
I’d always build these and battleships out of whatever random crap I had, so they’d be every colour like an Imperial Navy Pride flotilla.
It’s about money.
“You’re a woman, Harry.”
I just kind of knew that, but not sure how.
Tech moved in cycles. We come back to the same half-baked ideas every so on, imagine we just discovered the idea and then build more and more technologies on top to try to fix the foundational problems with the concept until something else shiny comes along. A lot of tech work is “there was an old lady who swallowed a fly”.
Whoever had the bright idea to turn teabags into flails should rot in an oubliette.
Is this because everyone gave them shit about their CEO’s breathless praise for a tyrant?
You’re a wizard, Harry!
There’s actually weirdly little Viking DNA in the British Isles. Except maybe in Yorkshire where there’s a suspiciously high incidence of natural blondes.
*not counting the Orkneys and Shetlands.
To be fair, most Scottish tartans have no more historical legitimacy than these.
“Well, you can’t fool me again…”
Too bad. I might have bought it.