If your desired population doesn’t respond to your social or financial status - you need to keep improving it.
Have you tried being rich?
What are these “connections” you speak of?
“Theme parks.” Uh huh. I’m sure Disney is going to want a bunch of animatronic RealDolls walking around Main Street USA.
I am in this picture and I don’t like it.
Awkward? How about fascinating!
Completely lost myself four paragraphs in
Maybe another 25%. Keeping it short works better.
“Created” meaning stolen from labor that is undercompensated, or just outright stolen. “Destroyed” meaning the purported wealth was never real in the first place.
Wealth is defined by resources: access to resources, and ownership of resources. Resources are finite; wealth is finite.
There are plenty of resources in the world to comfortably support all of the people living in the world right now, plus many, many more. Those who own or have access to resources are wealthy. Those who do not, are not.
Those who control the resources extend that control over people who need resources. If there were no people who didn’t have a deficit of resources, then there would also be no people exerting social control based on control of resources.
To accomplish that, most of the resources that the wealthy control must be removed from their control, shifting that control equitably among all. From each according to his ability, to each according to his need, one might say.
Wealth is finite, so yes.
Losing pets is hard. “Restlessness and spinning in circles” sounds to me like possible symptoms of a stroke. Pets usually don’t tell us what kind of discomfort they’re feeling, so we have to make these kinds of decisions on their behalf. Our vet office has thanked me for not waiting on this kind of decision too long.
This is your call to make, and as long as you’re making it with the best interest of your pet in mind, you will make the right decision.
The longer the cable, the thicker (heavier gauge) it needs to be to carry the same current without burning up. One extension cord is rated to carry the current it alone is able to carry. Put two of those in series, and both of them together are able to carry less current than either one by itself. This is how fires start.
Small fish in a puddle.