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Joined 2 days ago
Cake day: March 10th, 2025

  • Definitely lucky.

    The city I currently live in is making a HUGE push for public transportation. Fixing roads, adding a ton of bike lanes, lighting up paved trails thought the city, adding train station stops, free parking garages, and MAKING ALL BUSES FREE FOR EVERYONE. You can even call a bus to come pick you up. Its actually insane what they have done in the last year or two.

    Not moving anytime soon thats for sure.

  • I am American.

    I have moved to a place that has a grocery store within 5 minutes of walking and is a GAME CHANGER for me.

    The last place I lived at, 30 min drive to the grocery store in the other town. Yes, there were not grocery stores in the town I lived in.

    In college, I had to walk an hour (one way) to get to the grocery store. Which was technically about the same time as busses, since every stop was an hour wait.

    When I was traveling, stopped in Bakersfield because its the only place in that God forsaken area. I was eating a burger and saw a book store across the street. But it was a very busy street, and I didn’t see any crosswalks. So I pulled up google maps, and low behold, 15 min walk to get to the bookstore that was literally across the street from me. 5 min drive.

    Yes US’s infrastructure is just that bad. You are lucky if you get sidewalks in rural areas.

  • You know, people who habitually put eye drops in their eyes, don’t really take care of their eyes well.

    This is JUST personal observation, but I know people who will be desperate for the stuff and just put anything anyone hands them into their eyes. They won’t even glance at the label, just blind desperate trust. As someone who would be considered legally blind if glasses weren’t a thing, it always seemed so fucking stupid behavior to me.

    So honestly not very surprising to me. And to those that you use it habitually, have you gone to a doctor for that? Because being dependent on eye drops is definitely not normal or healthy I’m pretty sure?

  • Also as a casual pc gamer, here is my take.

    I just started getting into github projects, and have learned a few things. Like windows and linux can be ran on the same operating system (called wsl) for free and already built in windows. It is pretty useful for developer projects. The point being, there is a good chunk of gamers that are tech savy. Learning linux is not that hard especially with no barriers to entry.

    But MAINLY, because people are tired of changing operating systems. https://store.steampowered.com/hwsurvey

    Windows 10 has INCREASED in popularity more than windows 11 compared to last year for steam users. Since Windows 10 will be officially discontinued in a year, that is actually bonkers. This shows that people (gamers) are getting tired of making unnecessary changes/updates to things that aren’t broken and work fine.

    Linux is a free option for that. BUT… until you can play all steam game son linux, the switch won’t happen. The linux popularity will only increase once games can be run on it. Then, the gamers will teach their families how to use linux, which won’t be hard, because distros like Ubuntu are already user friendly (Macs are also based off linux as well). It has desktop, file exploration, browsers, etc.

    Since most people just use their computers for work, email, social media, streaming, etc., there is actually no reason for people not to use linux really. The only reason they haven’t is because they are not per-installed on computers and windows is already ‘free’.

  • Hello, I am also new at self hosting semi recently. There is a bit of a learning curve, but once your over the hump, it gets a lot better.

    First, 100% use docker desktop if your using windows. Most github projects have a docker file you can use. This will take out 90% of the setup required and you don’t have to worry about applications not working on your computer. Thats the point of docker, to remove the “doesn’t work on my computer” problem.

    Here are some independent github projects that I found useful for me and were simple to setup.

    • excalidraw - digital whiteboard. You don’t need to self host this, but its a fun little project. You can just go to excalidraw.com and have 100% of the same features (it is all saved in your browser’s cache).
    • mealie - I cook a lot so this is a nice ‘permanent’ cook book to have.
    • warracker - I always forget what I have warranties on, so this will be helpful for me.
    • Arr projects like sonarr, radarr, Jellyfin - sonarr and radarr is a good project to sink your teeth into (do not recommend using docker for this, I had issues with my docker container connecting to my external drives because I have Windows Home edition). This ecosystem is usually everyone’s first project along with pihole since its so useful. Sonarr and radarr will probably take you a week or weekend, Jellyfin will take like 5 min.

  • I would find out the ‘true’ reason why you feel this anxiety.

    You say its because of min-maxing, but why do you want to do this? Do you have a lot of activities that you do on the weekend, do you feel rushed, do you feel a lack of control, etc.?

    We all have this anxiety in life, some longer than others. For me, I felt like I had little control of my life, so I focused on that and now I feel fine of the weekends. Of course I want them longer, but I manage.

    Also, try deliberately ‘living in the moment’ more actively. Go outside and take a 15 min walk. What do you notice in the walk? How is the weather? Did you neighbor finally clean up that trash on the side of his door? Is the park busy? etc. During your walk act like a detective and soak in all the activities and information around you.

    Might help you ‘feel more grounded’.