That’s one tattoo I can respect.
A peace loving silly coffee-fueled humanoid carbon-based lifeform that likes #cinema #photography #linux #zxspectrum #retrogaming
That’s one tattoo I can respect.
I discovered Brutal Wolfenstein (a Doom II mod that replicates and enhances Wolfenstein 3D) so I’ve been slaughtering nazi scum for a while.
Oh, I have my favorites.
Nestle is up in the list, as is Monsanto.
For years I hated Microsoft with a passion for all the scummy things they did. They killed a lot of good companies and products by shady business practices rather than competing with quality software.
Then there’s Nvidia. These bastards will just not play ball with open source, so every gamer kid that somehow decides to try Linux and fails thanks to their shitty drivers end up in reddit screaming “Linux sucks”. AMD and Intel are fine to open source their drivers or at least publish the specs so others may do it for them. I suspect the true reason is that there’s a lot of benchmark rigging code inside Nvidia’s drivers.
Back the hell up. Seriously. I cannot overstate how peaceful life is when your ass is properly covered.
I’ve been using it exclusively as my desktop for over 20 years. Does it have flaws and shortcomings? Sure. So have Windows and Mac. What system does not have issues?
Does it fit your use case? Who knows? Just try it and be the judge. If it doesn’t work, just keep using whatever you’re using, no harm done.
All you need is a USB stick, some curiosity and some time. It’s not like it’s a lifetime commitment or something. Unless, of course, you enjoy it… then you are doomed.
It’s called frisson . There was an /r devoted to it, I haven’t found any Lemmy equivalent.
A lot of man-hours went into engineering it. Very smart people from many distros went over it, kicked its tires and deemed it good enough to replace old SysV. We’ve been through this, if you don’t like it for some reason, use something else.
It’s just software, people, it’s not a frelling religion.
Believe me, it used to be so much worse than that.
Hardware vendors see the need to allocate their resources to support the majority of the users, so that means making drivers for all current flavors of Windows and Mac. Linux has a residual market margin, so no incentive there.
It usually is up to some talented person or persons somewhere out there to come up with support for dinner shiny new hardware, usually months or years after the shininess went away.
The path is clear: buy from vendors who support Linux, make yourself heard if they don’t, or put up the work to make it work if you have the capability.
Not a secret, but annoying as hell. I usually replace it with a Flatpak and uninstall Snap.
A Linux VirtualBox instance.
Can’t be bothered to work around WSL’s idiosyncrasies.
It felt like a long long time. Maybe USB sticks were straightforward, but USB webcams, scanners, printers, modems took a while.
We sure came a long way from the early days where Linux didn’t have USB support to sometimes running Window apps better than Windows
Everybody hates preachers.
Lead by example.
I keep backups (regular, incremental, remote) to keep my data safe in case something happens to my local data. This protects me from things like theft, hardware failure, accidental deletion of some important files. Having multiple generations (daily, weekly, monthly) will protect me when I delete some files and only realize weeks later.
All of this is a separated issue to having encryption or not. I encrypt both local and backup copies, and store the keys in a password manager.
See what works for you, but don’t confuse the issues.
Encryption and backup are orthogonal domains. If you don’t understand why, I’m sure you’re not going to take a random strangers’ opinion on the subject.
If my computers are stolen or lost with the luggage, or if I suddenly die (as one sometime does), I don’t want whoever goes through my computers to get hold of my ex-girlfriends nudes, my credentials for online banking or my porn habits.
That is a good reason to backup, but has nothing to do with encryption.
C9 means RET
Carcinogenic plastic micro particles? Just don’t.