What kind of a pup?
What kind of a pup?
OK, then leave the EU. Bye!
It’s about time we start investing in our own future.
Raw sewage, baby. You’re now a shitizen. Learn to enjoy it.
I almost feel dirty, liking something Electronic Arts does.
You’re not my mom! 😭
I should re-watch this again. That a good movie.
I like the flaming… female genitalia in the sky.
On a self igniting card
Oh my god, yes, this! So much this! We all know what teens want, and it’s Olympic curling and nothing else.
Modern Star Trek will invite old trek fans.
Okay buddy, there are some lines you just don’t cross. Be very careful now. Modern Trek flavored sci-fi isn’t Trek! 😭
Seriously, fuck Excel for this. I always hate to look up function names in German.
You monster…
Good god, how are people buying the shite he sells?
Simple as cleaning… my god, I wish I had your energy.
Hey, I’m all here for it. I missed it and don’t want to use chrome for them. Or anything.
I might remember that incorrectly, but didn’t Mozilla stop supporting PWAs some years ago?
Oh, no no. That’s how Vincent drew dicks. People think it’s a starry night, but it’s actually bukkake.
Print a lot of them and attach them to a flock of geese.
Honk honk, mothertrucker!
I didn’t need external validation to know this. This is obvious.
Yesterday, some idiot on a bike came right at me with a strobing light pointing at my eyes. Fuck you…