What would be your take on someone that went to vegan communities for the sole purpose to just downvote all the comments?
Would that be bannable?
What would be your take on someone that went to vegan communities for the sole purpose to just downvote all the comments?
Would that be bannable?
YDI because troll.
ROFL! Holy shit…. That is funny!
No one is going to kiss your ass just because you shout loudly at them about how broken shit is.
That’s not how it works.
And just like how you like to say that no one is entitled to your vote- you’re not entitled to be taken seriously when all you do is demand to be, without doing a damn thing to earn it.
Oh you do, but you lost the right to be taken seriously by anyone that did. And it’s no big surprise how so many of you that were shouting at everyone before the election have either vanished, or fallen silent about it since.
They’re definitely part of the reason why we are where we are. Not the only reason, but definitely a big part of it.
Additionally, I’ll say that their refusal to vote isn’t the protest they think it is. All it did was tell the powers that be that they trust everyone else to choose for them and that they’re fine with whoever wins.
This has got to be the biggest false accusation as a result of being butthurt I think I’ve ever seen on social media- and I used to have a Facebook account.
Never had one. I got along pretty well with everyone.
You were probably banned from .ml. because speaking against the hive there falls within their vague “everything we don’t like is a rule 1 violation!”
If it wasn’t Joel Michel Singer, then there must be two separate incidents that happened where one was clearly Joel Michel Singer and the other wasn’t Joel Michel Singer.
So…. Ban it when you disagree with it, but it should stay if your agree?
While I appreciate the honesty… this is as shit a take as it gets.