• 3 Posts
Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: July 22nd, 2024

  • The countries with the highest population growth also have the lowest per capita emissions.

    Talks about “overpopulation” usually revolve or quickly devolve into demands for genocide of people deemed inferior, usually by their skin color not being white enough.

    The argument that population is the main driver for emissions only holds true in the scope of leaving the global economic system unchanged and continue to maximize individual consumption as the primary indicator of “wellbeing”.

    The authors of the study you linked also conclude that rich nations should embrace population decline as a way to reduce emissions. Problem is when this gets to politicians they usually flip it around.

  • They finally addressed the hacking/botting issue.

    Usually valve releases boxes with skins for summer, halloween and winter. I dont know if some are made by valve or all are community created with a cut for the creators. But it seems a low effort way to keep making money out of an old game.

    And TF2 is still extremely popular, both with high player numbers, active content creators, community tournaments and the like.

  • The “limping on” has been the past 40 years already. Ever since Neoliberalism became the dominant economic ideology and fully embraced by both mayor parties.

    Capitalism declines into Fascism. The current administration is not the root cause of the US problems. It is a symptom that is accelerating the decline into Fascism. But the ground work was laid many years ago and defended ever since. We see a similar trend in many other countries that adopted the US Neoliberalism to various extends.

  • My impression is that people will be eager to tell in the comments that a news source is bad or biased, or that the specific article is misinformation.

    At the end of the day, if you just trust some rank value that someone tossed in, w.o. knowing who is behind it exactly and how they reached that conclusion, it can be an easy source for disinformation.

    Also some news outlets are providing reliable coverage on some issues, while being biased on others. Often they just repeat texts from Reuters, AP or other agencies. So any single value rating can warn you that the same message is “biased” in one case and in another case it cheers it on as “reliable”.

    In other words: You can keep jumping out of the window in different ways, trying to find a way for humans to fly w.o. mechanical help, or you can just accept taking the stairs.

  • Upon being awarded the prize of A$10,000 (equivalent to $36,011 in 2022), Young said that he did not know there was a prize and that he felt bad accepting it, as each of the other five runners who finished had worked as hard as he did—so he gave A$3,000 to 41-year-old Joe Record and A$4,000 to the other runners, keeping only A$3,000 for himself.[2] Despite attempting the event again in later years, Young was unable to repeat this performance or claim victory again.[8]

  • Naah. There is plenty of Gen X, Y, Z who know and plenty of Millenials who dont.

    Its just if you wanted to “do stuff with computers” you had to develop some understanding back then.

    Today you can “do stuff” like gaming much easier out of the box. So not everyone who “does stuff” knows his way around.

    In the office most colleagues of all generations just know how to do their specific things, mostly in MS Office products.