Uhh… “Irony is like humor: if you have to ask about it, it’s not working.”
That’s not literally true. /s
take a look at [email protected], see if it fits what you have in mind.
I wanna watch an ad about someone watching an ad. The ad will be for adwatching. Or in newspeak:
Adwatching adwatchers adwatch: adwatch!
yeah, lemmy.world is a good starter server. To find your next one:
It’s so funny to read this article talking about the bones “may have been used for ceremonial purposes” and “this is the first time [a disk with a frog] has been discovered” and the archeologists are trying to figure it out, and they’re all just Pokemon.
Not to mention scraping all the gunk off the rollers.
As others have suggested, it was almost certaintly FB’s automated BS, not a report by your friend. Back around 2018 I made an account bc the martial arts group I was with had a FB group. But I didn’t attach a phone number, and I was using ublock and noscript and didn’t add a profile photo. After a week or so FB said I was suspicious and demanded I upload a government ID. No way. So instead I just made a new account every time I wanted to see the FB group.
If I were to try this again, I would:
Then I would contact everyone on FB I wanted to get in touch with, and give them some non-FB kind of contact info, and ask them for the same. I might chat with them on FB for as long as I could, follow their groups, etc. while knowing that I might get labelled “suspicious” and removed at any time.