• 1 Post
Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: October 1st, 2024

  • I’m wondering if this person reported me

    As others have suggested, it was almost certaintly FB’s automated BS, not a report by your friend. Back around 2018 I made an account bc the martial arts group I was with had a FB group. But I didn’t attach a phone number, and I was using ublock and noscript and didn’t add a profile photo. After a week or so FB said I was suspicious and demanded I upload a government ID. No way. So instead I just made a new account every time I wanted to see the FB group.

    If I were to try this again, I would:

    • run Chrome in a Virtual Machine with no addons. Use that VM only for Facebook.
    • Attach to that account a prepaid phone number ($40 for phone, $20 for 3 months) that I have for these situations.
    • Put a profile photo of myself wearing a full-face halloween mask, or a drawing of a face maybe.
    • Use a realistic nickname (for my first-name) that my friends would recognize.
    • Connect through wireless at a cafe.

    Then I would contact everyone on FB I wanted to get in touch with, and give them some non-FB kind of contact info, and ask them for the same. I might chat with them on FB for as long as I could, follow their groups, etc. while knowing that I might get labelled “suspicious” and removed at any time.