• 1 Post
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: August 5th, 2023

  • Something I’m seeing a lot is the statement “I’m not distancing myself because of political differences, I’m distancing myself because of moral differences”

    Anyone who is happy at the expense of others losing rights, is not different from you politically, they’re different from humanity, as far as basic ethics.

    You’re not selfish. You’re strong. Stronger than me and I’m proud of you for trying to fight to help your dad, but please don’t do it at your own expensive. I’m pan and non-monagamous but buried further in the closet than a cable that “definitely will be useful in the future” because my family would turn on me in a heartbeat.

  • Yes, porn is free, but the companies that host it are utter garbage. They pay next to nothing, claim ownership of the content, and don’t care if a person is being exploited. Finding a person that you think is awesome/sexy and supporting their content means custom tailored and personal fun-times; that the adult content creator is the one who gets paid; and that it’s unlikely they’re being forced/pimped/trafficked.

    Free porn is perfectly cromulent and there’s a lot of variety; but if you can afford it, supporting a person is better overall. I used to create erotic cosplay photography for a living, so I’m all too familiar with how screwed up things are for sex workers.

  • We took a trip to Chicago and decided to go to Navy Pier. Traffic was basically gridlocked and the car behind us was not happy that my friend didn’t break the law and block an intersection. After the light turned green, the idiot took his massive, shiny, brand new, white pickup truck onto the SIDEWALK to cut in front of us.

    When we got to the parking garage, there was a HUGE sign saying the clearance was 6ft 3in and tall vehicles needed to go to a different garage. The idiot didn’t read it and, even with the windows shut, we heard the screeching and scraping of his roof on the top of the structure.

    The best part was watching him back out, hearing more scraping, seeing his surprised pikachu face, and the disappointment on the face of the woman in the passenger seat.

  • I love stuff like this. Here are some real dinosaur/extinct creature names!

    • Sauroniops: Literally means Eye of Sauron

    • Dracorex Hogwartsia: Dragon King of Hogwarts

    • Thanos Simonattoi: after Thanos

    • Irritator Challengeri: he was hard to dig up and scientists were angry

    • Gasosaurus: discovered while a gas company was being built.

    • Gojirasaurus: self explanatory

    • Attenborosaurus: plesiosaurus named after David Attenborough.

    • Crichtonosaurus: similar to an ankylo and named after author of Jurassic Park

    • Bambiraptor sounds cute, and it’s named after the deer (because it was deer sized), but it was a fierce and deadly creature.

    There’s so many more; I could nerd out forever. I miss when I was a little girl, and people would actually talk to me about dinosaurs…