Kodi ui is great! No different menu every single week with them Shoving ads down your throat and stuff. Every interface for every add-on looks exactly the same. Easy to find what you need.
Kodi ui is great! No different menu every single week with them Shoving ads down your throat and stuff. Every interface for every add-on looks exactly the same. Easy to find what you need.
It’ll emulate an emulator on another emulator!
Gosh FINALLY this is starting to make sense. Thanks for your effort!
We’re quarks on an atom, caught in an explosion, wondering why we can’t see past when the fire started.
My experience so far
Kodi (LibreELEC) was running rough on an old i5 4160 or something, when installed on an SD card. It also runs a little sluggish when installed on a Chromebook.
But I went back to that first PC with a real SSD and now kodi is running fantastic. On a fedora kinoite install
And paired with some commands for KDE Connect, and I’m pretty satisfied so far. It’s been about four days with it.
I loved those great illustrated classics.
Still tricking me into believing I read stuff like black beauty or count of Monte cristo
Can people get Bigscreen anymore?
Kodi is so close to being absolutely perfect
Oh my god my whole day would be so anxious making sure im ready for work in time, then probably miss the start of the shift because I got distracted right at the end
L33t haxxors