They don’t have to look like point sources that feel like they are burning your retina.
They don’t have to look like point sources that feel like they are burning your retina.
You can enjoy their divorce more
Dead people can’t get autism from vaccines! Winning!
Your body, your choice (sometimes)
It is amazing the hoops people will jump through to avoid actual proven medical treatments. “So rubbing this toad on my face and turning 5 times will protect me? Hell yah, beats the toxic vaccine!”
They can put this in their ads. “The new Testa Cybertruck. Blood and garbage just wash off of it. It’s panels are rock resistant and even resist molotov cocktails for up to 3 minutes…”
The next admin is going to have so much shit to clean up that it’ll be like seeing your home after you rented it out to a massive drunken party.
MASA, Make America Shit Again!
“Gazillion bucks”. On the back put the Monopoly guy with a top hat and monocle.
Well, congress knows what to do now to get him on the bill. Just need an execution rider.
The dogs in the back of the pack.
I’m naming a toilet bowl after him.
Shouldn’t Trump be on the ruble?
Just build a temple to Trump Baal where they can make sacrifices to him.
They went on about the “deep state” because their goal was to create a deep state.
Don’t forget the “liberal” (closed minded in their own way) hippie types who think cancer can be cured with some magic herb or something. They are just as likely to be against vaccines and science in general. I know too many of these people.
They are so insecure that they view any type of education as a direct insult to them or some stupid bullshit like that. Like deep down, they know how ignorant they are
They know deep down inside that they are dumb and uneducated but think their “instincts” and gut feelings are equivalent or better than years of studying and analytical thought. They also are jealous of people smarter than them and instead of raising themselves up they prefer to pull them down.
Not getting sick is what BIG PHARMA wants you to do!
If only there was a way to prevent it…say a “vaccine”
A combo of “it is in many places” and the press thrives on droomscrolling
It is like road rage videos. I hate road rage. I hope they lose their license. But I can’t watch them because they pointlessly get me worked up.