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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: July 12th, 2024


  • These concerns, and more, are why just today, during a conversation with some friends looking to get off traditional social media, I advised them to join pixelfed, peer tube, mastodon, and loops, but suggested they strictly avoid Lemmy.

    The communities aren’t right for anyone who isn’t seeking something exactly like Lemmy or leftie-Reddit-lite. I don’t even really like it here all that much anymore. Not the content; the interactions… across all my accounts… even joining “nicer” spaces is not a particularly nice or pleasant experience, plus the more interested is a woman, and Lemmy is a horrible sausagefest echo chamber not at all suited to a normal average woman person who isn’t techie. I’m techie, so I’m used to the vibe, but for your average cis-woman, Lemmy is a very very bad fit.

    Bring on the downvotes if you like (the echo-chamber anti-voice sentiment is part of why people shouldn’t be recommended this platform, after all) but these are legit concerns for people who may want to join, and those of us already here can and do steer people elsewhere as a result.

  • I guess I haven’t really had the smelly problem (or at least nobody has mentioned it…). I have to use unscented detergents due to fragrance allergy, and I think thats a big part of why I don’t have that problem. The scented detergents leave so many residues to hold the scent that your own scent tends to stick more. Or maybe you just notice it more as it mingles with a scent you are used to. Not sure, but the unscented stuff at worst smells a bit musty.

    When I get deodorant buildup or the musty smell, I do a warm cycle with enzyme detergent (usually wash on tap cold, but when I do a warm cycle I use dirty labs unscented enzyme detergent. I’ve tried others, including scented, before I found that and they worked decently too) and it clears right up.

    If you have the smelly problem with bedsheets or towels or anything, look into laundry stripping. You can do it with natural cotton and whatever clothing as well, but it requires super hot water so it does cause some damage to the fabric.