Not often. Certainly not when I’m shouting into the void.
When I’m answering a question or responding to a statement, I’ll generally match the level of the existing discussion. I still try to say what I mean, but I’ll try to avoid concepts with a lot of missing prerequisites. Target audience matters too, if you ask me how orbital rendezvous works, you’ll get a different answer depending on where you ask the question. For example, I’d probably skip explaining how orbits themselves work if you asked in a community dedicated to kerbal space program or children of a dead earth, focusing instead on what the person asking is probably trying to do. Similarly, a comment in a community dedicated to real life space exploration is getting a more detailed answer than the same question in a community for the general public. Basically different assumptions about what the person already knows, and what the person wants to find out.
I find downvotes important in maintaining signal to noise long term. If people downvote me, I take that as a signal that there’s either something I don’t know, or that I need to improve how I communicate the idea. I want a community where I can have a real conversation with people that both agree and disagree with me, not an echo chamber that only allows conforming views, nor a shit flinging free for all.