What do they do for you, scavenger hunts? Literary mysteries? Maybe the old it’s burried at the bottom of a lake challenge?
What do they do for you, scavenger hunts? Literary mysteries? Maybe the old it’s burried at the bottom of a lake challenge?
I was going to beat my wife… but she’s all the way on the other side of the couch… and there’s chips right here.
Nah it’s practical… it’s for convenience… you know when you ask a girl for her number and she answers it with
So in the event of that situation once you solve it, you want to call it right away!
To me the biggest hypocracy in general when it came to forms of communism.
It’s a failed ideology, it will always collapse in on itself as soon as it grows.
Followed with
We need to destroy it at all costs to keep it from taking hold anywhere in the world.
You don’t need to stop something that’s self defeating. It’s like the tower of babel story in the bible. Mankind was building up a great tower because they thought uniting they would be a powerful as gods, so god knocked over their tower, scrambled their languages to divide and conquer the world… Isn’t that kind of an admission that, God believed without his interference man can be as strong as he is?
Modern Corporation:
Just in… we’re re-releasing old classic games, but making every reward 10x harder to earn… but adding in microtransactions so you can get them without having to do all the playing portions.