What if bots have gotten so advanced they have simulated lives and backstory to help sell their reality.
In which case… could you even be sure you aren’t a bot?
What if bots have gotten so advanced they have simulated lives and backstory to help sell their reality.
In which case… could you even be sure you aren’t a bot?
is that harmful for my future job opportunities?? what if a company wants to see my iq and they see 86
Has any job interview you’ve ever gone to ever asked for an IQ? I’ve never heard of it, and it sounds like a crazy stupid idea for anyone to go for. You like linux, you’ve programmed websites. The bullshit test that your employers are going to care about are certifications. Look around at job opportunities in your area (or if you are lucky remote), see what certs are most commonly demanded, and focus on getting them. In addition whatever you go for, try and get some hands on experiences in them, projects etc… whether it’s personal.
Or say if web development is the direction you want to go… then try and find a friend or family member that needs a web site or project made… make them a “client” so that you can claim it as “work experience”.
Honestly in my experience in IT… generally speaking when it comes to getting a job, in order of value “work experience” > Certifications > Primary education (IE Degree/diploma).
IQ test, I’ve never once in my life come across that question coming up… just don’t advertise it and most likely no one will ever care.
Not a bad list, one thing I would say though, for self hosting, vaultwarden is a far more ideal server than bitwarden (same clients work, but faster and all features are unlocked).
I mean the logic isn’t entirely wrong… though at least familiarize with snippits. I mean I don’t have to read Mein Kamph to say Naziism is evil.
Of course, there is a huge difference, even in snippits and small amounts of information it’s quite clear that all nazi followers, support racism.
While modern marxists do not call for violence etc… and specifically is calling for changing of things that, are not physical traits that require bloodshed.
Good news is, the sound of blowing the assailant away will draw the police to you.
and if you are white, they will say you defended yourself. (Results may vary if you aren’t… you may be held for murder, or shot on sight).
The average player is not playing 100% optimally with full sight of RNG outcomes and an undo button… this is so beyond the realm of “just git gud scrub”.
Yeah, I would say "playing 100% optimally is at least fair to look at, but if by known RNG, you can know things like say what joker will be negative if you take the skip blind, or what what will show up if you reroll the shop or open a pack, then that’s such a huge advantage it doesn’t even deserve to be part of the comparison. IE making zero mistakes would be a fair comparison… IE if you always take the move that has the highest odds of success with the information a player has, but counting decisions based on avoiding something with a 99% chance of success because the player knows it will be in the 1% is crazy bad way to grade something.
I’d second this… IMO it’s probably good for the students to moderately hear about… but it just takes one curious student to ask follow up questions, and one super conservative triggered parent to blow everything sky high, and tank your career. So IMO… probably not, unless you are looking to get out of teaching and want to do some good on the way out.
Maybe that’s why I enjoyed it, but wasn’t blown away by it.
I think you and I are probably similar in that. I’d say I really enjoyed about 20 hours of it, then played an additional 30 hours where I was hoping things would start getting fun again, but it never came.
Ignoring the video Slots scoring, and poker themes. I would still say luck is so much stronger in balatro then on any roguelike I’ve played. To the extent that the best “strategy”, is basically to start going all in on a certain playstyle, that requires 3+ things to be viable, and then die or reset if the necessary components don’t show up before the ante outpaces you.
In short, psudo-gambling mechanics are IMO largely what hooks people in the game, which I also have to say the PEGI group may actually be if anything slightly underestimating the risk. IE the game is 100% not gambling, but it draws on everything in the brain that gambling does. “Maybe next game will give me cooler jokers that will get me further”. I mean yes all games have some extent of these, there’s a reason why there’s such a large overlap. As well as why basically all mobile app developers, and a good portion of big corporate monstrocities turned their games to build on gambling mechanics.
Balatro IMO leans into all of the hook on gambling tropes, just avoiding the last step of exploiting it to get users to continue to pay them money. It’s actually a pretty reasonable question to ask… does it put kids/teenagers into a mindset that will make them more vulnerable to a less ethical game developer that takes that last step.
IMO the gambling themes are the selling point of balatro. Hell ignoring the poker half, the dev’s themselves basically said the whole scoring theme etc… was made to be slot machine style gameplay.
To be honest I think that’s a very large percentage of it’s popularity, is just that viewpoint making it accessible to, non gamers and non roguelike fans. I don’t think it would be a top seller if done as a “slay the spire”, or done with a theme that doesn’t have appeal to non-gamers.
Also I would say, balatro is like 2 or 3 very minor changes away from easily being a “suck crazy amount of money from gambling addicts” game. IE if someone took balatro, released it on mobile platforms as f2p. Only differences being to slightly increase the speed of the anti score. and say start each game with 2 optional joker packs (for $1 chose between one of 3 random negative jokers), for $2 chose one of 5 negative jokers). (obviously replacing the dollar amounts with purchasable in game currency). You’d easily get into top mobile apps and make a killing.
I think there’s the problem though, so Alice posts it on her page.
Now there’s 2 ways people will see it… Either the algorythm is looking. So that’s a popularity contest, assuming the algorythm is going based on engagement etc… Which unfortunately I have to say, historically BS tends to gather larger crowds than popular ones.
More importantly if we are talking algorythms they tend to push people towards the type of content they regularly consume. IE the algorythm is going to push people who are suceptible to BS (Some of which may be the ones who are suceptible, but not so far gone as to be immune to truth) to Mallory’s page. Meanwhile alice’s page will be drawing the skeptics, the ones who would like to push back against it… but can’t. I see the mallory page like the /r/conservative subreddit. A fucking cespool, and most importantly very very determined to push out any views that disturb the narrative… yet with about 10x the views as any specifically left subreddits I can find (though admitted only 1/8th of general politics, which is still leftish by US standards.
I mean, maybe a de-escalation, but also rife for it’s own forms of abuse.
IE… someone wants to spread misinformation… they block anyone fact checking or disproving their nonsense.
Now I fully agree, the misinformation rabbitholes have diminishing returns the longer the thread and arguement goes on.
IE lets say
Misinformer, posts blatent lie.
Person1: Rebuts lie, Includes multiple credible sources for the rebuttle.
Misinformer: Claims all true sources are in a conspiracy or agenda.
Person1: argues back
At this point it’s just wasting everyones time… but IMO the initial fact check is important for people approaching.
So in the lemmy method.
Person 1 can debunk the claim. Block the person… leave it up to others if they actually want to bother engaging etc…
Sounds to me like the threads method on the other hand… Fake claimer can go… and either whack a mole block comments that disagree… or shut off discussion altogether leaving the claim unchecked. To me that seems a bigger problem. Fact is there’s a lot of falsehoods that sound convincing to the general public, but are easilly disprovable with a bit of research, and IMO they need to be challanged where the claims are made.
whatever we post is public… you can’t stop someone from seeing public things. (Even if it worked the way you would like, they could browse anonymously or on a different account to see it). Blocking makes it convenient for you (so you don’t have to look at public things that you don’t want to see).
had the native american’s been smart enough to build a wall across the ocean… none of this mess would have happened.
I’m sure some are… but I would say certainly seems to be a much larger percentage that prioritize their hatred of trans… and don’t seem to do a lot of actual reach in protecting women.
Big thing is the terf label or stereotype is generally assumed to try to make it look like you are fighting for a group, rather than fighting against. Lets say hypothetically I’m claiming to be super in favor of protecting birds, and say that I hate wind farms because they kill birds
If you never once hear me talk about house cats, or poachers, or any of 500 other things that can kill birds, you’ll pretty quickly catch on that I’m not actually pro-bird. Especially if I start reposting statistics about wind farms that have already been debunked etc…
In short… no, Lemmy developers believe the karma mechanics on reddit incentivize bad behavior. (IE making bots or even just yourself re-creating past succesful posts) or just posting the obvious ideas that one assumes everyone is going to upvote etc…
I mean in short they are attempting the same gist… just, you know mainly in the form of all of them vying to be the all in one. After google’s disasterus google plus… facebook implimenting threads and video hosting, they all are hoping to be a one stop shop.
It’s effectively pre-order for DLC.
IE you pay us now… when we release the DLC you get it… If the DLC turns out to suck… well that’s on you, if we release a different DLC then the one we announced, and delay or downgrade all the resources from the DLC we announced, sucks to be you etc…
Bottom line, at best it’s kind of a kick starter done by companies with more than enough money to not need it.
Hate to say it, but I cannot find an alternate front end to it. There might be one, but documentation on it is pretty scarce, every tutorial I’ve ever seen has just told how to let nextcloud use it.
I mean it’s true, but the same general concept could be said about the internet. Everything runs on IPV4 or IPV6 so they can’t use names. OP’s concept is why isn’t there say, a universal phone book that say if I punched DHORK into my phone, it would go to a server where you are listed on, return your phone number, and then my phone automatically dials you.
To which I suppose the reality is… it wouldn’t really be much of a helper. everyone would have like 3-4 digits in their usernames anyway (because any combination of real first/last names, and english words would be gone in hours of the systems introduction). So your typical registered name would be JohnSmith3821 Which isn’t that much faster to learn, write or dial than a normal 9 digit number.