From the “we take everything except real medicin”-department.
From the “we take everything except real medicin”-department.
My label printer. Horrible UI. How do I switch to capital letters? How to numbers? It can print two small lines instead of one, but how? It also has bold, italics, underline, but getting there is a game of trial and error.
And the display is not WYSIWYG, but just five or eight characters. You never know what you will get when hit the print button. And you cannot save labels you successfully designed - it just remembers the one in the system when you switched it off.
If it works at all without internet.
As was the old boss.
You have not been outside the US in your lifetime, it seems.
Because they are not trained to properly deescalate. Or how to deal with intense, potentially threatening situations. They simply fall back to “gun” if they lack the power to deal with a situation otherwise.
In my country, a police officer drawing a weapon can expect to write a stack of reports on why he or she did that. And they better have a very good reason.
Another issue is the lack of filtering out the bad ones. If a police member here did such a shit only once that American cops seem to get away easily, this one would be done for. Out. No place in any police force in this country, ever. And probably losing their pension, too.
In the US, a cop that managed to be so bad that they actually fire him or her seems to have no problems to get hired by another police force. Some areas seem even to prefer this kind of people for “being tough on crime” as they misinterpret it.
It could be a tomorrow you are building for your children.
Let me put it this way: a) it would probably make the news and b) both the MRI team and the funeral home will curse you.
Have a list of pregenerated numbers that each participant has, and do a ciphering system based on those. Like a book cipher, but smaller, more portable, and faster to eat in case of emergency.
Tea. A lot of hotels have tea and coffee making facilities, but a horrible selection of teas.
What out companies founder took along in his hotel bag had been interesting, too. He always had a 100W light bulb (back when they were common), as hotels used crappy, low wattage bulbs in the room. He just switched them for his own 100W bulb so he could actually see something. He switched it back when he left. The other important thing was a set of plumbing tools, so he could remove the pressure reduction from the showers.
You would be amazed how many short forms are used in sailing, sometimes crippled to letter salad with apostrophes. Fo’c’sle is not alone, by far.
Same in about every western civilized country, and many countries outside, too. American cops are relatively untrained, especially when it comes to non-standard situations, where they often stress out and overrreact due to lack of training.
Was that really Africa? I am not sure, it could have been Indian or Pacific Ocean islands. But I could be mistaken here.
The only thing an IQ test actually tests is your ability to do IQ tests.
This is not how this works. One day in the future, when quantum computers have matured enough to do something actually useful instead of just quantum benchmarks, they still will not be general purpose systems.
The situation will be more like video cards at the moment: it would be a subsystem doing something very specialized and limited, being controlled by a driver handing over certain jobs from the OS of the real processor.
Correct. And it can transfer to humans, where it is then known as Creutzfeldt-Jakob, with the same results. One of those medical topics that make me really shudder when thinking about it.
When you need a golf cart…
Definitely. We lived in an old house without central heating, and I know what hunger is. My father died when I was a kid, after a long sickness, and taking care of him and us kids took a lot out of mum.
Now I can support my family from my income, with both kids at unversity without debts.
Yes, we are better off. But the way to here and now was hard.
Maybe if he took his medication, he could be a normal person.