That shows a different cover, this is the cover that was modified
That shows a different cover, this is the cover that was modified
Only time I use the power level selector is for poached eggs. If I’m reheating something where I actually care about how it turns out I’ll usually use the oven 😂
That’s just because they’re old though, people our age will probably be getting scammed when we’re old too.
Its not that we’re smarter than the previous generation, we just have access to more knowledge than they did. (and maybe less exposure to lead 😅(but maybe more exposure to microplastics, and who knows what cognitive effects that might have 😅))
Sounds about right, now I feel less old, thanks 😌
It says “is like 100”, not “is 100”, so that just means something like > your own age * 1.33
There’s probably a few cancer cases attributed entirely to smoking that vehicle emissions might’ve also helped hasten.
Original image is from Here Comes Peter Cottontail (1971) if anyone else was wondering.
They link to the post in the article:
That’s pretty much just any FPS from before 2010ish, with a few exceptions where it wasn’t purely an FPS and made sense for the games design such as bioshock and deus ex.