I’m sorry that happened, days like that are so hard. My wife and I have both been there.
My youngest used to alligator roll as well when we changed his diaper. We started changing him on the carpeted floor with a little towel under him. If he started rolling, I’d gently arch my leg over his chest with the back of my knee centered on him. I’d only put a little bit of the weight of my leg on him, just enough to prevent him from flipping over. It helped a lot and eventually he grew out of it.
I’m sorry that happened, days like that are so hard. My wife and I have both been there.
My youngest used to alligator roll as well when we changed his diaper. We started changing him on the carpeted floor with a little towel under him. If he started rolling, I’d gently arch my leg over his chest with the back of my knee centered on him. I’d only put a little bit of the weight of my leg on him, just enough to prevent him from flipping over. It helped a lot and eventually he grew out of it.