1377x and yts-mx are fake clones, read carefully
wiki-user: WarmApplePieShrek
1377x and yts-mx are fake clones, read carefully
Then it’s not too late to tell him it must be GPL.
VPs don’t have total control over profits, but they do have total control over which version of coreutils is in the product they release.
Open source has been captured and corporatized.
But Ubuntu has always been extremely corporate.
Ubuntu already wasn’t a linux distro nor is android. They’re different operating system which use the Linux kernel.
I wish Russia would stop bombing Ukraine and the USA would stop its proxy war on Gaza.
dbzer0 eventually. maybe soon. there’s a reason pirate sites don’t use .com
dbzer0 will be taken down too one day
Why do pirate sites voluntarily leak all their data to big corporations?
Anticheat detects if you’re running normal Windows or something else.
If you’re using something else, they won’t let you play the game.
Wine is something else.
Seems as if you don’t
Music pirated by “the scene”. You know because the file names are similar to other scene torrents, like “Zatox-Overdrive_(Original_Mix)-(ITAL044D)-SINGLE-WEB-2024-AOV”
Music pirated by “the scene”. You know because the file names are similar to other scene torrents, like “Zatox-Overdrive_(Original_Mix)-(ITAL044D)-SINGLE-WEB-2024-AOV”
Have you been on any torrent tracker that allows scene release uploads?
Music pirated by “the scene”. You know because the file names are similar to other scene torrents, without spaces, like “Zatox-Overdrive_(Original_Mix)-(ITAL044D)-SINGLE-WEB-2024-AOV”
They’re right though. Voting and organizing are independent actions. You can not vote and not organize, not vote and organize, vote and not organize, or vote and organize. The liberal wasn’t going to organize no matter what, but at least they voted. If you’re organizing, you can vote, too.
“Don’t vote because you organizing is better” is a stupid propaganda line designed to help Trump win.
It’s called AGPL