• 2 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 18th, 2023


  • Honestly, I can see how this can happen. One time I didn’t get paid for 3 months, and didn’t notice. All of my finances, debits, transfers etc have been completely automated for 15 years. The trick is to not be poor, but more specifically, be cash rich, and have buffers. I’m not actually rich, I just hate owing money and have never been in debt, because I don’t spend more than I have. Even in my 20’s when I was cash poor and going out 5 nights a week, living pay check to pay check, I never went into debt.

    Obviously I don’t own a home, because I couldn’t have this kind of financial freedom while paying a mortgage. The things you own, end up owning you.

  • This is not the goal. Their only goal is wealth and power, just like Putin.

    The Christian/Corporate Fascist Theocracies method to achieve wealth and power is to bankrupt the government, privatise all public services and land, remove the threat of democracy, and plunge the people back into feudalism… all while lining their pockets, exactly like the Russian oligarchs did post-USSR.

    They do not give two shits about bringing jobs back to America or any of the other virtues they vacuously signal. They’re the kind of people who outsourced everything to China begin with.

  • It’s what’s known as “vulture capitalism” or “parasitic capitalism”, where sociopathic kleptocrats are allowed control and treat all aspects of life as hostile and adversarial — value must be extracted and stolen from others — rather than a mutually beneficial relationship to improve and enrich the experience for everyone.

    This is exemplified by the stock market and “line must go up” — the belief that stable, sustainable profits are a failure and growth must be continuous and exponential, in a planet and civilisation of finite resources, analogous to cancer.

  • ZFS is an enterprise software RAID, and 1:1 RAM to TB is the minimum recommended requirement for a production server (e.g. enterprise implementations).

    I’ve seen many users stating they have far far less than 1:1 without issues. I recall a r/DataHoarder user saying they have 100+ TB’s and only 16 or 32GB RAM, which is not fully utilized, so it all depends on your usage profile and the size/scale of r/w ops occurring during peak periods.