There’s two results now!
There’s two results now!
My experience in the UK is similar. I’ve never had a good experience with a police officer, and I’ve been profiled for the clothes I wear, but I’ve also never been scared of a police officer (especially never scared for my life). I probably wouldn’t ask an officer for help, but I would also treat them like a person rather than a rabid dog who might just decide to shoot me
Even if it wasn’t a lie, you’d be better off treating the root cause of why people use drugs and providing safe spaces and testing kits for people who still want to use them. This is just an excuse to allow him to do what he was going to do anyway
I was ordering based on my favourite, rather than what order to play them. I phrased it ambiguously.
But why that order? Gateway to Glimmer is my favourite because the world feels so much more open with being able to swim, and then (spoilers) especially when you can swim underwater.
I’m actually going to change my ranking and put Spyro to Dragon as second best, because it has some really cool level designs like Treetop Village and the Magic Crafter’s homeworld. Also the neh-neh-neh-neh-nehs (blue thieves).
Spyro 3 is also very good too
I’m slightly ashamed to admit that I went back to Worms Armageddon as an adult and found it too difficult to be enjoyable. I know I’m out of practice now but I have to assume I just didn’t mind constantly losing to the AI when I was younger…
Original Spyro trilogy (Gateway to Glimmer first, Year of the Dragon second, Spyro the Dragon third. Although they are all so good it’s hard to choose an order.) The first two games were a part of my childhood, I think they both came with the console when my sister and I bought it. £20 second hand from Game with three games I think, we each saved up to pay half. Very cool worlds to run around and explore, especially Treetop Village I think it’s called (the supercharge level from Spyro the Dragon). I love these collect-them-all games where you know where everything is - it’s very comforting to me. And skateboarding and playing as Sparx in Year of the Dragon still feels special, because it’s the one game I didn’t own as a kid.
Crash Team Racing is the ultimate carting game IMO. “Start your engines for a Sony Computer Entertainment Europe production! Fasten your seatbelts for another Naughty Dog creation! Bwam bah bah bamp, bah da dam da da da dum”. Absolutely iconic loading screens and music. I don’t think I’ve ever beat the campaign mode completely, but it’s a lot of fun. Several years since I’ve played now, which is a bit of a shame. My PlayStation needs to be repaired but no-one near me has the expertise and I didn’t want to go inside and make things worse…
Hogs of War was on a demo disc I had and it seemed quite fun, but I never got to experience the full version.
I seem to remember Driver 2 being challenging but cool, but not much else other than those two emotions.
Final shout-out to Worms Armageddon.
Edit: actually, final final shout-out to that boat racing game. Hydro Thunder maybe? I played it at a friend’s house then spent years searching for it again in a cool games shop that another friend now owns (never would have guessed that when I was a kid!). I don’t think I ever found it though…
I really like to ‘cold ears’ my dogs and cats. It’s when they have cold ears and you grab their ears between your fingers and say “cold ears!”
They don’t like it much but I really enjoy that texture for some reason.
P.S. - You can also straddle your dog and rev his ears like you’re on a motorbike
Get that +1/+2 armour and extra bonus damage vs pikes
Memories are what get wacky. The main character (as well as the aliens who “arrive”) can remember the future as well as the past due to learning the alien language. It’s based on the possibly-not-linguistically-sound Sapir-Wharf hypothesis that says the language you speak influences the way you think. The aliens use a circular rather than linear writing system so they think of time in a non-linear way
Imprisonment would also deal with the “hating brown people” part.
And uh, how did the Angles and Saxons get here when the Celts were already living here? It’s probably all the Roman’s fault for setting a precedent
Yep, that’s how it feels when you get to my age
You could say the same for Wales and Scotland too
Blatantly false. If someone has a broken leg, do you say “environment is everything, I don’t think your sick, you don’t need medical help”?
Trump hates space because in space no-one can hear you ramble incoherently
You could say that’s pretty… efficient
It’s also possible to play PS5 whilst being to ill to work. In civilised countries, you can (and should) take a couple of days off for minor illnesses - don’t spread that shit at work
You can have a pull cord in the bathroom or a switch outside, as I understand it
I was going to say burn it too.