Of course you do lol.
Of course you do lol.
Pauvre petit chou, ça fait mal à tes petites oreilles de flocon d’entendre du français ? Est-ce que c’est parce que t’es trop idiot pour apprendre une autre langue ou t’es simplement juste un gros perdant anglo-supremaciste? Je te le dis en bon québécois, va chier tabarnak.
Not sure about French, but in Quebec we love it when people want to learn french. My ex was an anglo and the accent when they speak french sounded crazy sexy to me lol.
Lol what? Because there’s McDonalds in Italy they should stop speaking Italian? Sorry but that’s a really closed mind and bordelline stupid take. My first langage is french and I would never chose english over it. It’s part of my identity. Also, being billigual is really easy, for some reason only native english speaker seems to have difficulty with it… so either you’re just a lazy as fuck, or just unable to learn a second language…
The level of uneducation in the US is a threat to the entire species. Most of Ylyour people are uneducated, fat and dangerous. After the last election, I have lost hope in the US as a collectivity, you deserve your unfair system because you chose it. You elected a convict rapist, fellon, racist, fat billionaire who doesn’t pay taxes and tried to steal the election, your deserve to be treated the way you will be, you made a choice.
I work on macOS 90% of the time. It’s super well design, but it gets worse with each release. The security options are way too intrusive. Gnome is much more intuitive these days.
Both Gnome and KDE are 100x better than win or macOS. I use KDE for me but I install Gnome on my familly 's stuff.
Let’s give more money to billionaires, they will make us rich too.