Free for every GOP member, apply for yours now!
Free for every GOP member, apply for yours now!
The ‘news’ industry thinks they are super essential to our very existence. They expect all your undivided attention for their large egos. Unfortunately, actual news (that we actually need or want) does not happen every hour. Watching the news 1-2x a week is more than enough, or even sitting down and catching up online to read a few things.
Fox makes sure you have no life and are tethered to their lies stories so you can be perpetually angry and in fear. This is an unhealthy life.
Enjoying your life comes first, staying current on what’s happening in the World is an occasional thing.
Wait until the cats take over.
Male Homosapiens, one of the Great Apes. I really like the ones that are not hairy and go to the gym, and tall, did I mention tall?
Changing your name to something stupid is a clear indication that you are unqualified to be the president of the recycling committee in your neighborhood, let alone a superpower nation.
It’s called a distraction. On Friday January 10th fat donnie will be sentenced in his criminal case. So he says crazy things to get people to talk about that, and not the fact that he is a loser criminal, con man. Also, he’s nuts anyway. Old man yells at windmills!