I think you’re right. It switches the joke to a pun the latter way. That said, there can still be a moment of recognition as the pun sets in.
I kinda prefer the pun version. But I’m also a dad, and so inclined towards puns.
I think you’re right. It switches the joke to a pun the latter way. That said, there can still be a moment of recognition as the pun sets in.
I kinda prefer the pun version. But I’m also a dad, and so inclined towards puns.
Living the non-HOA life. Congrats.
Dutch is worse. Just like their language in general.
I’ve been thinking about buying an electric razor lately. What have you got? Any complaints/praise for it?
I use an old Gillete I got 25 years ago in high school and actually mostly just a brief trimmer back to stubble most times. Never fully clean shaven. Which my wife claims to prefer.
I can almost hear Chewie saying it that way. Maybe with a few “r”s thrown in.
Ok, some of those must be around county sized for the US.
Many of states of the United States (especially outside the 13 colonies) are bigger than most of Europe’s countries. Which is really a better comparison to memorizing the states.
Nope, but I think there may be Bavaria, Westfalia, Saxony? Can’t think of any others at the moment but I assume there are a couple more.
It’s a bit trickier, since Germany was still divided when I was in grade school.
But we’re really a used car salesman trying to get you to finance a clapped out Nissan Altima with 128k miles, failing clear coat, and a dented bumper.
I’m gonna get shot for this, but Safari has tab groups and they’re fucking awesome especially if your have an iPhone, mac, and iPad or more.
Still got less than 50%.
He did get the highest percent, but under half of voters. Still fucking depressing, but as numbers were fully counted and confirmed his percentage steadily decreased.
Still fucked though, yes.