I don’t want to have conversations with children.
Good, Lemmy doesn’t need morons like these
😬 yeah hard pass lol
You’d think they’d learn after like the 4th or maybe 5th time. I’ve honestly lost count.
Interesting It’s water proof now huh? Makes me wonder if I could do this for a vegan motorcycle jacket
May want to upload somewhere else as Google doxed you.
I just got an account and had no idea it’s that old
Oh you mean pro-Incarceration, pro-imperialism, pro-colonialism pro-genocide? Honestly I think you need to pick up a book if you think supporting any of that isn’t ignorant shit. Shit, there’s whole songs about how you’re wrong.
I hate liberals because they think they can stay in their heated box and ignore their community while people freeze and starve to death because they can’t contribute to some oligarch’s capital and only leave to work for said oligarch so they can afford their funco pops and magic cards.
I hate liberals because they don’t intersectionalize and they’re quicker to bend a knee to their boss then to join in a strike.
But you do you, spineless lib.
Which ideals? It kinda sounds you just left reddit homie.
Sound like you got some reading to do
So do nothing, got it. Shoo lib begone
Failed to make an executive action codifying abortion rights.
One day these liberals are going to realize the ⬇️ is more telling then a comment
No no no open the house to people that need to crash with a roof over their head. Squatting is the answer. Maybe eve some destructive squatting.