finland has a homocide rate of about 1 per 100k.
Countries are generally lower than cities, but some cities for context :
Hong Kong : 0.29
Glendale CA : 0.52
Tampere, Finland : 2.2
Arlington TX: 4.8
Los Angeles CA : 10.3
Albequerqe NM : 21.3
Washington DC : 31.85
Flint MI : 70.7
Tijuana MX : 95.9
finland has a homocide rate of about 1 per 100k.
Countries are generally lower than cities, but some cities for context :
Hong Kong : 0.29
Glendale CA : 0.52
Tampere, Finland : 2.2
Arlington TX: 4.8
Los Angeles CA : 10.3
Albequerqe NM : 21.3
Washington DC : 31.85
Flint MI : 70.7
Tijuana MX : 95.9