Meta meme question: does the lightly fried aspect of the OP screenshot add to the humor? e.g. compared to:
Sweet, it wasn’t there when I last replied to you but now
Google indexed it! s/o for the bandwidth, not a cheap project
FYI readers stumbling here, we’re like reddit minus the corporate suckage 🤗
Sweeeeet thank you! Demo looks great. Now to figure out whether an uber n00ber can self host it in a jiffy or not. 🙏
Heck yeah
Which CRM please?
I don’t completely hate it
Also it is probably already known but e.g. well-dressed/spoken cishet white males in affluent areas are at times able to gamble and - by being incredibly polite, deferential, apologetic, and forthcoming - save time and money by taking the risk of piping up for the fuzz.
Something tangential but potentially more useful: remember as citizens, our day comes in court and not on the side of the road. Politely/firmly assert your rights, but allow them to be violated. The alternative is struggling, being overpowered anyway, and making your lawyer’s job harder. Hope that bystanders are recording, remember every detail as best you can, and consider calmly verbally reasserting your rights.
Oh I thought those were false cognates
The thing rocked
Probably the most environmentally friendly thing to come out of that era?
Wait that’s not fair because a lot of that stuff could’ve been Buy It For Life
True for all 17k policing agencies in the US?
If it’s true for only 16.999k of those agencies, then “Policing Enables Bastards” works w/o any sithlike absolutes :)
Ctrl + Alt + Arrow key
Inverting screens for lulz
Mm… haven’t read that but sounds right.
I might be comfortable committing a crime if I had a time machine but barring that I’d just drive from the crime scene to the precinct.