Linux gamer, retired aviator, profanity enthusiast
Yeah I don’t think being naked factors into their decision making process as much as people think. He’s still running CatOS. He wants to get his snout around some of that delicious chicken.
It is a good reason not to post your callsign on the internet. I am an amateur radio operator, you will not learn my callsign.
If you have a pilot’s license or own an airplane your name is similarly on a registry of public record.
Effectively yes. You are required to identify your station by callsign every 10 minutes on the air, and your callsign is a matter of public record. It’s how the likes of the ARRL suddenly knows how to mail you shit when you get your license. The only encrypted transmission on the amateur bands that’s legal is control signals for satellites.
Can we pleast waste the next 4 years renaming things and get nothing practical done? That sounds like perfectly good mud to spin the tires in.
I’m referring to a phenomenon of the late Bronze age in which poorly identified people came from the sea to attack the likes of ancient Egypt. Writings of the time do not identify who they were, where they came from, exactly what their mission was, but basically bronze age civilization was coming apart and these folks decided to be on the side of entropy.
Can anyone name me a display of wealth, real or attempted, that isn’t just wasting resources?
The ONLY game that I’m capable of being pissed about on the Nintendo eShop is Night Trap. Because the President of Nintendo of America testified before congress that Night Trap would never be available for play on Nintendo hardware. I am physically unable to forgive the sheer amount of lying that happened that day.
I am going to trot out the perhaps tired old question of why we’re less squeamish of teenagers or children playing violence-based games than we are sex-based games, why we’re more comfortable with a 15 year old boy thinking about bullets going into heads than penises going into vaginas. But. Society has failed, answers are noise, nothing matters. Bring on the sea people.
Where was Elon Musk on a ballot?
I have baked beans and dried chickpeas in the house at the moment, and the baked beans are probably the weaker of my two beans, so the current status of my weak bean is “canned.”
There really are good people out there
There are enough lies on the internet, no need to add more.
What are you?
I am reminded of a book called Good To Go by Harry Constance, a US Navy SEAL who served in Vietnam. The exact line of the book it reminds me of is “No swimming.”
I’ve once heard it said that men insult their friends but don’t really mean it, women compliment their friends but they don’t mean it either. I’ll take “Come on, walk it off you’re alright” over faked sympathy every day for 37 more years.
No we don’t. That’s a feminist lie. The women whose political power depends on maintaining a perpetual state of victimhood by blaming every single thing on men would have you believe that.
Men will have conversations like this:
“Tiffany left me.”
swig of beer
“Yeah. Said I’m not ‘available enough.’”
swig of beer
“Shit dude.”
Enough information is shared for one man to put himself in the other’s shoes, think about what he went through, and arrive at the same place for himself. That need women have to put their feelings into words to yap at each other is just a symptom of their abject inability to empathize with their fellow sentient beings.
You know what doesn’t occur to men to share with other men? “Breaking news, this just in from our correspondants in the field: Nothing continues to happen.” In fact I’m going to go post that to the Dull Men’s Club community and see what comments that attracts.
No, the people who will destroy you for being anything other than fine are the women in your life. Your mother, your sisters, your daughters, whatever name your sexual partner(s) insist on being called. They’re the ones who will kick you the hardest when you’re down. You will never be more alone than when you’re surrounded by women.
What happens to a man when he shares his feelings? Has that ever gone well for any male since the evolution of meiosis?
“To activate your product, call 1800-ACT-VATE” Okay…dial dial dial ringing ringing ringing…
Thank you for calling Product Company. Para espanol, marue nueve. For sales, press one. For billing, press two. To make a payment, press three. For warranty support, press four. For sponsorships and media inquiries, press five."
There is an often panned movie starring Robin Williams called Club Paradise. It’s not a good movie but it’s a fantastic feature length SNL skit.
I think the few sticks arranged around this egg are mostly there to act as chocks to keep the egg from rolling too far. This was easier than evolving square eggs.
tilts head
plugs in USB optical drive
push tray back in