And we’re paying special attention to American slave owning child diddlers who have been dead for 200 years and not British or Canadian or French or German or Russian slave owning child diddlers who have been dead for 200 years because…?
Linux gamer, retired aviator, profanity enthusiast
And we’re paying special attention to American slave owning child diddlers who have been dead for 200 years and not British or Canadian or French or German or Russian slave owning child diddlers who have been dead for 200 years because…?
A primer on the American Civil War, as understood by a natural born citizen of the state of North Carolina and a graduate of said public state’s school system.
The United States in the mid-1800s 1. did not yet span the entire width of the continent, this becomes important later and 2. could broadly be divided into two regions: the South, characterized by an agrarian economy featuring large plantations growing cash crops like cotton and tobacco via the labor of chattel slaves, and the North, with a more industrial economy that had abolished slave labor.
In the North, you get a lot of the day’s moralistic movements as they existed at the time. You see a lot of the Christian sects like the shakers, the early roots of the temperance movement, and most relevantly, abolitionism. People who wanted to see slavery abolished at the federal level. This became a popular political cause in the North and you start seeing legislation proposed.
Meanwhile in the South, slaves are where the money comes from, so obviously God says it’s the white man’s inalienable right to own black men.
Turns out there was pretty equal representation in congress about it; about the same number of Northern to Southern states, so nothing got done. Except remember earlier I said we didn’t span the continent yet? Well that was a project under active development at the time. Territory was being purchased or conquered, and new territories were drafting constitutions and applying for statehood. And what if more pro-abolition states than anti-abolition states joined the union?
We get a temporary pause with a compromise that states would be admitted in pairs, one free state in the North and one slave state in the South. You can still see the line they drew, the perfectly straight northern border of Arizona, New Mexico and Oklahoma. That’s why that’s like that. Notice it stops at Nevada. That’s about how far that went before war were declared.
Southern states decided to secede from the union, forming their own nation called the Confederate States of America. The South raised an army to repel what they now saw as a foreign invasion, the North deployed their army to put down what they saw as a treasonous rebellion.
During the conflict, the North passed increasingly abolitionist policy, culminating in the Emancipation Proclamation, an executive order signed by president Abraham Lincoln in 1863 which declared all slaves everywhere in the nation free, and the thirteenth amendment abolishing slavery except as punishment for a crime (this has present day ramifications) was ratified.
On April 14, 1865, actor and confederate sympathizer John Wilkes Booth assassinated Abraham Lincoln via gunshot to the back of the head while the President was enjoying a play at Ford’s theater. His motive, quoting directly from Wikipedia:
On April 11, Booth attended Lincoln’s last speech, in which Lincoln promoted voting rights for emancipated slaves;[18] Booth said, “That means nigger citizenship. … That is the last speech he will ever give.”[19]
And in what way are America’s presidents unique in these atrocities among world leaders of their era? Other than “America Bad” is trendy right now?
I gave up on television sometime around the end of Stargate SG-1, somewhere in the middle of Eureka!.
It was right around then that only the 24 hour news networks were what they said they were; there was no Sci-Fi on SyFy, no history on History, no music on MTV, no discovery on Discovery…adult prime time television was going to the humorless “gritty realism” phase, and the only topic anyone would smalltalk about was Game of Thrones.
To this day I watch basically nothing but Youtube.
My father got big into that show. Destroyed his ability to hold a conversation, because Every. Single. Fucking. Thing. You. Say. To. Him. "Reminds me of this thing that happened on Big Bang Theory where Sheldon…
He’s got a litany of shitty sitcoms he can’t just fucking stop with. “Character says something.” laugh track “Well other character says sumn else!” laugh track. “Maternal and/or love interest character walks across room, touches character’s arm, says something about feelings.” canned manufactured pindrop silence “Character says sumn else!” laugh track
Fuck your ventricles.
You want to find me a head of state that wasn’t or isn’t?
Jackie Chan: The man who is also a genre
It’s like a 30-way tie between all Jackie Chan movies.
It’s a bit behind the times for gaming though it’ll probably still play a decent round of Counter Strike.
I used a system even older than that (A core i7 with a three-digit part number, circa 2010) a couple years ago to rip DVDs and run MakeMKV/Handbrake, it did the job fine. Decade old computers aren’t the problem, Windows is.
I might be the only American to have applied for a light sport flight instructor certificate on physical paper, and I believe I caused an update to the IACRA system.
For those unaware, IACRA is the system for applying for airman certificates online. Instead of mailing a paper 8710 to Washington you fill it out on one of the US government’s many shitass fuckchild web 0.8 websites. The FAA isn’t as bad as the FCC on that front but shew buddy.
I was applying for a light sport flight instructor certificate. One of the prerequisites for this is a credential in the Fundamentals of Instruction. Per the FARs, this can be:
I had taken and passed the FoI test, but the 24 month mark was rapidly approaching before I could arrange the practical test, so I took the BGI test (which is another knowledge test) flew to the FSDO in Greensboro, filled out a form, and one clammy government handshake later I was a ground instructor. Ground instructor certificates don’t expire so that effectively eliminated the time constraint on the FoI test result.
Checkride time approached, it was time to fill out the 8710…IACRA had no way of accepting a BGI certificate number as the FoI prerequisite. It was designed to only accept a LaserGrade test result, there wasn’t a way to use the other legal prerequisite types. So I had to print out a physical 8710 and mail it to Washington. Last I heard of the matter, my DPE let me know she had contacted somebody at the FAA about the matter, so teachers, professors and ground instructors should be able to correctly apply for a flight instructor certificate now.
The real thing that Flatpak offers is one place to publish for Linux. You put your app in the App Store for Apple, you put it in the Play Store for Android, you put it in Flathub for Linux.
I’ve seen them say that on the packaging, and then 6 years later they’re emitting their EoL alarm.
Where are you getting smoke detectors that last that long?
I just thought “You’ve heard of bananas in pajamas, now get ready for beans in jeans” and then my mind went the elf on a shelf meme where you’d depict it visually, and picturing an anthropomorphic bean wearing blue jeans, my mind looked at that and guessed “Kidneys in dungarees?”
It is difficult to find conversations on the Fediverse that don’t boil down to “America bad” “Linux good” “is the Fediverse growing?” and if that trend keeps up for terribly much longer people will stop logging in because they’ve experienced all the platform has to offer. Even people who hate America and love Linux are going to wander off if you don’t show them enough cat pictures.
Threads like “ask a question and my guinea pig will type the answer” are way too rare here.
That’s ridiculous. It’s not even funny.
Not saying it isn’t, but it was a home video release of a huge hit movie well into the adoption of VHS (some folks might have been still clinging to Beta players in 1986) that was made quite inexpensive by the addition of a diet pepsi ad. It should have sold like hotcakes. I’ve got a copy with the ad on it.
I age, see?
points to face
points to face
If I understand right, that was the first ad subsidizing the cost of a vhs movie. “trouble with your refreshment system”
Didn’t you hear? All US presidents are baby fuckingly evil especially Obama.