Right up until it asks for ID, which you have to use the app for, and even if you send it nothing happens and your account remains disabled.
Ask me how I know. And that was for my very first purchase.
Right up until it asks for ID, which you have to use the app for, and even if you send it nothing happens and your account remains disabled.
Ask me how I know. And that was for my very first purchase.
But with blockchain!
Facebook’s selling point is that your friends are already on it. If you want to convince random people, you have to show them what they’ll be joining.
By that measure, there is no fediverse equivalent. You might be able to convince your friends to join for their favorite content creators, but if anything they’re probably on Mastodon.
Object stores like s3 and ceph exist right now. They’re just not very useful for simple file management. For other models, like tags, they’re great.
Do it because you want to, not for other people.
Generally no, there is no one piece of software that can magically handle the quirks of each other piece of software. If there is, someone is making a lot of money by selling it.
If you want to handle your uncommon output formats, you’ll need to define them in your log processor.
If you’re using proxmox, just install PBS somewhere else and configure a schedule. It’s pretty quick to configure.
Still Mint.
My backups. Shouldn’t really put anything else on them, now should you?
Most of my updates are automated so I don’t even notice. Release whenever you think it’s appropriate. Fixed a typo? Not worth a release. Critical security issue? Release immediately.
That could work, then! You’d have to set up the boot image or reconfigure it each time (maybe cloud-init and/or ansible), but as a mostly compute node it could work.
You could boot over the network and use the NAS for storage, but that’s going to be a lot of work to get running properly, and it’ll be pretty slow too.
Honestly, if you want to run a read-only service from it, it could work, but anything more than a light, immutable host is going to be unpleasant.
^C has been notation for ctrl-c for decades.
Irritant particles in your nose. Or you may be someone with a photic sneeze reflex: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Photic_sneeze_reflex
I’ll just download a Frostwire one for free
If you don’t want anyone to be able to read it, don’t send it to anyone.