If a messaging service requires a phone number then it’s not “secure” lol.
If a messaging service requires a phone number then it’s not “secure” lol.
Independent browser engine developers have a say in how web standards evolve. their influence is limited of course, but they use it to keep web open. Google have long been trying to integrate more “advanced” advertisement and data collection technologies directly in web browsers (including imposing it on non-Chromium browser through “open” web standards).
The moment Google has full control of technologies involved they will do everything in their power to make ad blockers technically impossible (or at least extremely complicated and inefficient) and data collection mandatory, integrated directly in Chromium. And they will do so in such a way that most websites will simply not work on Chromium forks with these “features” disabled, so everyone will be forced to comply.
Haven’t used GNOME for a while, but I guess that’s a problem of open source projects in general. Though GNOME at least has Red Hat behind it.
I don’t think Fedora has a “stable” channel. It has “testing” repo from which updates are pushed to “updates” repo after approval, and that’s it. My understanding is that ublue’s “latest” channel follows Fedora’s “updates”, while “stable” seems to update weekly (though it’s unclear what happens if a package update arrives in Fedora just before “stable” image is about to be built)
Does it use the same flawed approach as Manjaro by indiscriminately delaying all updates (including critical security fixes)?
Fedora is a bit too eager to deliver new updates IMO, especially KDE. As much as I love KDE, their .0 releases have had serious bugs several times in a row now. It’s always better to wait for .1 patch with Plasma. It may be hard for the user to break Kinoite, but it won’t save them from bugs.
Fedora’s mission have always been to push new stuff when it’s “mostly ready” at the cost of inconveniencing of some users, so I wouldn’t recommend it for non-tech-savvy people.
I know people say that it’s 100% stable for them (as they do for Arch, Tumbleweed, Debian Sid, etc) but that’s survirorship bias. As any bleeding edge distro, Fedora has its periods of stability that are broken by tumultuous transitions to the new and shiny tech (like it was with Pipewire, Wayland default, major DE upgrades, etc). During these times some people’s setup will break and you don’t know ahead of time if it will be yours.
You can still install RPMs through dnf. There is also dnfdragora AFAIK. Packagekit (cross-distro API and daemon that abstracts package managers like dnf and apt) is a pile of crap anyway, and is a source of many GNOME Software’s issues.
It does. This discussion is about Fedora where packagekit works with dnf and RPMs.
Not just synonymous, it the official name of DE itself.
On PC sure, on consoles devs are always trying to lower the bar.
Everyone who have use Twitter in the past 2 years is a nazi.
Arm is insanely fragmented, every device must be have dedicated drivers and hardcoded specific configuration in the kernel. And sometimes even separate kernel builds. Also Snapdragon X devices are not even fully supported upstream in the most recent kernel yet. Which means they are many years away from being supported in Debian. Unless someone makes a fork of Debian with latest kernel and not yet upstreamed Qualcomm specific patches (which how these “arm distros” are usually made).
It’s mirroring micronews.debian.org, not Twitter.
IDK then. On Android you can do that (though it’s disabled by default if the app developer is not owner of the domain which is obviously not true for lemmy). Perhaps iOS has a similar mechanism somewhere in settings.
What platform?
That’s the other way around. It’s an OpenGL driver that uses Vulkan under the hood. OP would need the opposite to have Vulkan on his card, but I don’t think it’s possible given that Vulkan is a lower-level API compared to OpenGL.
Well, login gating worked for Facebook, Instagram and Twitter (it’s not dead yet despite some people’s claims). We here are tiny minority of social media users.
They are currently A/B testing blocking access to videos without an account. That’s why some people are getting errors. It’s likely that it will be rolled out to everyone in the future.
I’m sure all these species traitors will be put to the wall when aliens invade. Earth is for humans!
All POSIX compatible shells have their quirks and differences because the common POSIX part is rather small, so you will need to learn them anyway when switching from one to another. Fish is not that different from them (to much less extent than something like nushell) and it benefits from having less ancient baggage.