Dharma Curious (he/him)

Same great Dharma, new SolarPunk packaging!

Check out DharmaCurious.neocities.org for ramblings on philosophy and the occasional creative writing project!

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: March 22nd, 2024


  • Ever since I was a kid I’ve always been hyped about the idea of them bringing back the mammoth. Been hearing about it my whole life…

    But I have to ask… Why are we trying to, exactly? I mean, the planet’s heating up. why are we trying to reintroduce a woolly mammoth? It’s one thing if they’re talking about using actual mammoth DNA and cloning it, but that article was talking about specifically just turning on some genes that cause fur and cold tolerance… What is the point of just making furry elephants at this point? Where are we sticking them, and why are we sticking them there? Is there some ecological niche that needs filling? Are we going to attempt to populate Antarctica (and hope it stays cold enough for that?) with hirsute pachyderms?

    How about a different plan? As much as I have been excited woolly mammoths my entire life, let’s try something a little different. Let’s shrink the elephants we have, and introduce them into North America. Elephants the size of bison, roaming the continent. You can still make them cold tolerant, to handle winters, and give em some fur if you want. But the elephants we have are going extinct, and you’re worrying about bringing back something else. How about we save what we have? Let them roam and graze Europe and North America, replacing the Aurochs and the bison. God knows we’re not going to stop eating anything too cow like, so wild bison is basically right out. Let’s let the elephant fill these niches, and save the species. They’re too fucking smart to let die. Elephants got fucking religion, y’all. We cannot let them die.

  • Honestly, that’s fair. I’m not the type that would do it, but I’ve known enough that would that I think it’s the responsible thing of you to probably keep that information to yourself.

    But I do have questions, and if you’re not comfortable answering public, I swear to God, I will not share the information online or in any capacity in which in might be used for harm if you were to DM me an answer. Lol. I don’t think the answers could be used like that, anyway.

    Does the person you did this to now know the full truth of the situation?

    Was the hoax religious in nature?

    Was it political (for instance, a terror attack, election result, or other “big ticket” news worthy type of thing?

    If it caused a lasting impact on the victim, was that impact purely a loss of trust with you/others in involved, or did it cause like lasting issues in their perception of reality? (As in, do they still believe this, or partially believe it, even if they have been informed of the truth?)

    Are you still with/close to/associated with the victim?

    Was there physical harm caused?

    And finally, what was your motivation to do it in the first place?

    Totally get it if you don’t want to answer any or all of these… But you did open the door, so I assume you’re comfortable talking about aspects of it, so long as the information given doesn’t make it replicatible, and I feel my curiosity is very understandable. Lol

  • As an anarchist, I answer this just about the same way I answer most questions. Through consensus of those involved, the form that takes is going to be different for each region, community, et cetera. Those that make up society need to have some way of making collective decisions, but it doesn’t need to be a state to achieve that. States are new, governing is not. I favor consensus democracy, but it’s by no means the only method. But questions like this are a double edged sword, they’re vital to explaining left libertarianism, but they’re also proof of how far we have to go before people understand even the basics of it. Stateless does not mean ungoverned, just as anarchism does not mean chaos. It’s simple a governing by the people. If we cannot be trusted to govern ourselves how in the hell do we think this is a tenable system, in which we choose individuals to govern us?

  • Agree with everyone else. It’s embarrassing, but it’s not like you have to show them what’s going on. Just tell them you need to see a doctor for it.

    If you’re really so uncomfortable telling them about this that you can’t bring yourself to do it, then you could try telling them “I need to see a doctor. It’s embarrassing, I don’t want to discuss it, I just need to make an appointment. I’ll handle the scheduling, I just need to know my insurance info* and a ride to the office”

    *Or however that works where you are.

    If you can reasonably do it, you may just be able to call and schedule it without their help.